

Forest Lake Wavemakers, Inc. (aka Wavemakers), is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and is the booster club for the Forest Lake Area High School Girls Swimming & Diving Team, Boys Swimming & Diving Team, and Girls Synchronized Swimming Team.

Wavemakers mission is to:

  • Promote the swimming, diving, and synchronized swimming programs at the high school level.

  • Work with the High School Athletic Department to ensure these programs have the adequate resources (staff and equipment) to compete effectively.

  • Be an advocate for aquatic programs throughout the greater Forest Lake area that may develop and encourage the future participants for the high school level.

Board: Officer Positions and Team Representative

Board will consist of a total of seven (7) members which includes Officers and team representatives.

Officer Positions shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers will be elected by a majority 2/3’s vote of the voting body. For officer elections, voting body is defined as those attending the meeting. Officers shall serve through the elected term, or until their resignation is accepted or a successor is elected. Officers are elected for a two-year term, from July 1 to June 30. Officers elected mid-term shall be allowed to complete the current year term (i.e. until the next June 30) as well as their elected two-year term. Officers may be re-elected for succeeding terms. Officers may only be parent/guardian of active aquatic athletes. Officer positions may be shared by two individuals, but only one vote may be cast per position.

Team Representative Positions shall be one from each associated group; Girl’s Swim & Dive, Boy’s Swim & Dive, and Synchronized Swimming for a total of three. The representative will be Appointed by the head coach Representative shall serve through the elected term, or until their resignation is accepted or a successor is elected. Team Representative is elected for a one-year term, from July 1 to June 30. Team Representative may be re-elected for succeeding terms. Team representatives may not be active board officers. Team representative may be an athlete, a current athlete’s parent/guardian or coach. The team representative at any meeting may utilize a proxy representative for voting purposes.

Meeting Frequency

Meeting frequency, time, and location shall be determined by the Board Officers. Meetings shall generally be conducted monthly during the school-year. The agendas will be sent to the group in advance of the designated date, time and location.


Approval of, or adoption of any motion requires a majority vote of at least 2/3’s of the voting members. Voting board members shall consist of a quorum with Officers and Team Representatives only.

A quorum is defined as the minimum of five (5) current board Members present for an announced meeting. When in attendance, the President shall preside over meetings as the "Chair", unless the Chair is delegated to another attending Officer.

Expenditures and Use of Wavemakers Funds

Due to the nature of the different group needs, expenditures of $100 or more from general Wavemakers fund requires a vote during meetings. (See voting) Emergency decisions or decisions requiring quick turnaround may be completed via email to the board. Emergency decisions will require 2/3’s majority vote for approval. Only the listed team representative or officers will be able to vote.

At its discretion, Wavemakers can maintain separate accounting of funds specific to each Team and or an athletes. When separate accounting of funds is maintained, a Team’s Head Coach may withdraw any amount up to the full designated Team specific balance without a vote by the board members. Expenditures of this nature are to be for team-wide usage. The athlete may also withdraw any amount up to their full designated personal balance without a vote by the board members.

Once an Athlete graduates from high school, any balance left in their account will be transferred automatically to a sibling. An athlete or parent/guardian must notify Wavemaker’s Board if there is another sibling in the family that is involved or will be involved in the sport. If no sibling of athlete is involved or will be involved with an aquatics program, all receipts for reimbursement must be submitted by June 15th of their graduating year. Any remaining balance in the account after that date will be transferred automatically to the Wavemaker’s general account.

Meeting Rules of Order

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR) shall govern Wavemakers in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order Wavemakers may adopt.

The Chair has the duty of making sure rules are followed. Officers and board members in attendance, not the Chair, have the final authority in judging whether the rules have been violated. If there is a disagreement with a ruling by the chair, the individual may appeal it to the officers and the board in attendance. Conflicts and disagreements raised with Rules of Order and Meeting Customs should be resolved by following Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised.

Adopted: June 13, 2011

Amended: December 1, 2014

Amended: April 6, 2015

Amended: September 14, 2022