January 2021

Wavemakers Meeting - 1/18/21

Attendees: Tara Thompson, Rob True, Ann True, Jennifer Brady, Nicole Wood, Brenda Anderson

Agenda & Notes

Notes taken by Brenda Anderson, Secretary

Meeting officially started at 7:06pm

1. Updating Website -

  • Discussion of updating the Wavemakers Website. The website appears to have a few glitches. Discussion of asking Dan Landherr or another tech savvy volunteer to help update and possibly revamp the website. Brenda will make minor updates regarding links, dates, and other various information.

2. Software Update for Meet Manager

  • Mike Hennon successfully updated the Meet Manager software on the team laptop. Currently, Kim Robertson is the keeper of the team laptop and volunteered to run the Meet Manager software for the Boys home swim meets. Thank you Mike and Kim!

3. Current fundraising for the year equals approximately $3,300.00.

  • Fundraising and financial support is accredited to Big Apple Bagel, Walmart, Kwik Trip, “The Mighty Cause”, as well as the sales of Forest Lake Aquatic face masks. Thank you to all those who have helped in the effort to support the Forest Lake High School Aquatics teams!

4. Boys Swim Team Updates

  • We are very excited for the Boys Swim Team as they begin their 2020-2021 swim season! The Boys are away this week on Thursday, January 21 for their second meet at White Bear Lake starting at 4pm. The first home meet will be the following Thursday, January 28 versus Cretin Derham Hall starting at 4pm. Please look for the link to the broadcast to view these exciting meets on the Forest Lake Boys Swim Team Facebook page. GO RANGERS!

5. Future swimming opportunities

  • Discussion of holding mock meets during the Community Education Ranger Swimming program, to promote the swim teams and teach younger swimmers about racing.

6. Next meeting on Monday, February 1 on Google Meets at 7pm on the following link https://meet.google.com/etc-cmae-tgf

Meeting officially adjourned at: 7:40pm