August 2021

Wavemakers Meeting - 8/31/21

Attendees: Tara Thompson, Rob True, Ann True, Brenda Anderson, Bridget Eddy, Shereen Jensen, Dean Jensen, Jenette Munkholm, attender at large.

Agenda & Notes

Notes taken by Brenda Anderson, Secretary

Meeting officially started at 7:08pm

  1. Announcements/Introductions

  1. Welcome New Girls Team coaches!!!!!

  • Head Coach - Rochelle McKenzie

  • Assistant Coach - Brianna Luhman

3. Equipment

  • Starter will not be replaced at this time due to cost of replacement, however, plans to fix the existing starter are in process.

4. Treasurer Inducted

  • Motion was approved to induct Shereen Jensen as the new treasurer of Wavemakers by a unanimous vote. Thank you Shereen for helping the organization and helping to support the Forest Lake Aquatics programs.

5. Girls Swim Team Updates

  • Discuss regarding bag lunch hospitality for opposing teams and home meet hospitality for the Ranger girls team following meets.

6. Camera/television technology

  • Discuss started regarding video technology with, in and out of the water capability and a way for swimmers, divers, synchronized swimmers to review technique.

7. Jolynn fundraiser

  • Discussion was started regarding a Jolynn swimsuit fundraiser possibly during one of the Girls swim team bonding events.

8. Next meeting on Tuesday, September 14 at the Hardwood Creek Trailhead at 7pm

Meeting officially adjourned at: 8:11pm