August 2023

Wavemakers Meeting 

August 21st 2023- 7:30 pm @ Faith Lutheran Church meeting room, Forest Lake, MN 


Jon Brown, President, Shereen Jensen - Treasurer, Hayley Galsworthy - Secretary, Rob True - Vice President, Dean Jensen, Jim Fallon,  Amy Dunaway(Girls Rep), Erica Taylor Radtke (Boys rep proxy Dom Mancini), Jen Brady(Synchro Rep)

Agenda - Decisions and Action Items

Synchro Record Board Update

Waiting approval from coaches - sizing and design to be approved and Dean can get the final quote from the printing place. 8 x 20 or 8 x18.  Confident that the look will be good and maintenance will be manageable. Once the coach sends approval we will work on a timeline for order and get the board installed.

Meeting Schedule

Tuesday September 5th  -  Tuesday October 10th - Tuesday November 14th - Tuesday December 5th 

Pool Issue

GIrls had an incident with the black grips from the block sides. Rob will go into the pool to see what needs fixing this week. 2 blocks were removed to have the step altered this summer so might be that the grips were not reattached properly after. 

Flag Poles - need 8ft poles, can the school order these, first meet for the Girls 7th September. JIm will ask Mike Hennon to see if this is a potential school purchase.

New Flags are here. 

Old Business

Towel Fundraiser

Jon can look at how to get this done, Dean and Shereen are looking to wind down now Anika has graduated from swim and HS.

New Treasurer

Shereen resigned and Erica nominated to take over Treasurer, 3 yay no opposed.  Minutes of the meeting need to go to the bank for them to amend the signing authorities on the bank accounts.

Next Meeting  

September 5th

Meeting ending 8:30pm