March 2024

Wavemakers Meeting

March 12th 700pm @ Faith Lutheran Church, Forest Lake, MN


Jon Brown-President, Jim Fallon-Vice President, Erica Taylor Radtke - Treasurer, Hayley Galsworthy - Secretary, Jen Brady,  Amy Dunaway, Rob True,  Ann True, Jakki Tauer, Laura Hokeness, Britta Hokeness,  Laura Livermore, Dave Livermore, Shane Radtke, Lucas Radkte

Agenda - Decisions and Action Item

Boys Team Update

Both the JV and Varsity team had great end of season competition. Lots of Ribbons for JV Conference athletes and Sections got Top 8 in every event for the Varsity boys. Many 3rd places, with the team getting 3rd overall. Jamison made it to State in the Diving and was Top 16 - placing 15th overall.

Banquet is next week.

Synchro Season

Just starting this week.  Apparel link is open and they are working on the teams this week.

Treasurer Report

Current balance for the WM, Girls and Synchro teams are available. Current balance for WM circa$22,750.

Erica would like to move forward with planning fundraising goals as we spend about $5000 per year on team needs. Would like to have a meeting with coaches on an annual and seasonal basis to ascertain their needs and wants for their season.

Erica mooted the idea of having WM rep at each of the teams parent meetings at the start of their season and asking for a $25 per family donation to WM.  To explain what we do for the teams and how the money is spent on each season, captains practice, the lane lines, record boards etc.


Hospitality Tote

2 Totes are stocked. Amy and Ann True will check that they are still OK to be stored in the pool area.


Winter Plunge donations were about $2800 but the Rotary will send out portion to us. Erica has filled in a form to release the funds.

Top 3 athletes - Britta H, Lucas R and Ellemae F are to get gift baskets kindly donated by Laura H and towels are ordered and due in 2 weeks.

Photo with Lucas and Britta, Ellemae not present at the meeting and Laura will get one for us to post on the Facebook page.

Rebecca informed us that the Rotary did not agree to the phased approach of the fund release, to see if the coaches needed more than one camera. They needed the funds accounted for we believe. Rebecca has put into the grant, one camera from the Spanish company Watlicam, also an underwater speaker and ipad stylus.

Erica is waiting on the details of the orders - if through school etc - also that coaches had prioritized other technology over a speaker system, the stylus is a new addition not previously mentioned in the grant etc.

Rebecca has confirmed that the promotional items mentioned in her discussions are to be funded with Rotary money not put towards the camera and technology purchases.

Waiting on confirmation from Rebecca  are the following 

With the remaining funds from the Cub Foods and plunge we should have enough to purchase the ipads needed to run the system and also the starter system that coaches need.

Vote to spend up to $5400 on 2 ipads - 2 waterproof cases - 1 starter system plus tripod.

Laura moved to make the motion and Erica 2nd.

All in agreement. We have enough present to make a vote. Erica, Jon, Jim, Hayley, Amy, Jen, Dom(by phone)

Famous Daves

This was canceled with not enough RSVP by the date. We will try again for Summer perhaps.

Epilepsy Truck

Booked the truck for April 20th weekend.  Check it is still OK for the Legion to have the truck in the parking lot. Sign Up Genius needed to get the athletes and adults to man the shifts.


In place for the last day of school - no need to mention the Wavemakers on order of the blizzards.

Other Business

Pool Records

Jon has the girls' records to go to the pool for installing. 

Synchro Board. 

Jen has the new Synchro logos that they are using for apparel this year. Maybe the logos there could work for the board.

Depth/Pool issues

Laura and Dave Livermore present to discuss the ideas and options for pool development. They have 2 divers in the boys team. The depth is not enough for diving and they are hoping for a meeting with Dr Massey to discuss options to get a new pool.  Jon has not got far with contractors who would be prepared to quote for adding onto the depth of the existing pool, the age of the pool could be a factor here.

Laura and Dave are confident that Dr Massey, and the school board could have this on their agenda and we need to encourage this! When the football field and new track are mentioned with the school board they often point out that they were built with no school money..? A competition pool with depth and 8 lanes would be a fantastic benefit to the district and Laura and Dave think it could bring in the district profit with renting to clubs and hosting school events, like the new facility hosted True Team etc for track.

They will keep us in the loop with the meeting and see if we can have WM representatives and coaches there.

Next Meeting - April 2nd  - 7pm.

Meeting end 8.06pm