August 2022

Wavemakers Meeting

August 23rd 2022 - 7:00 pm @ Faith Lutheran Church meeting room, Forest Lake, MN


Jon Brown - President, Rob True - Vice President, Shereen Jensen - Treasurer, Hayley Galsworthy -

Secretary, Dean Jensen, Bridget Eddy, Amy Dunaway, Jim Fallon, Rebecca Fahning, Laurie Chelgren.

Agenda - Decisions and Action Items

Treasurer Update

Fundraisers for DQ & Clothing Drive raised $450 & $913 respectively. Balance of account $17,109.49.

Girls Team Update

Season starting and Captains practice costs are covered by WM and will await Traci’s invoice.

Video equipment is ready and needs to be signed out by Head Coach.

Printer for the meet needs ink, Rob usually gets this for it. Jim has the laptop and software ready to go.

Lane line issue is being fixed, 2 lanes are being replaced this week at cost of $54.

Lines affected are practice lanes - WM provided practice lanes, Meet lane lines are OK. Rob will check

the condition of the remaining lines when they are replaced.

Vacant Team Rep Positions

By Laws demand each of the team, GIrls, Boys and Synchro, each provide a Representative to attend

Wavemaker Meetings. They will vote for and be a voice for the teams. Coaches have been emailed and

will be contacted again. Hayley will message Deb for the boys team. These can be parents of athletes or

athletes themselves. NHS members can use the time for volunteer hours.

Meeting Dates

Suggested to keep next month at 9/14 (Weds) then switch to Tuesdays, 10/4, 11/1 & 12/6.

Old Business

Rebecca Fahning asked for more clarification on requirements of the Team Rep position, Jon will deal

with this.

Rebecca wondered who paid for captain photos for the teams - the large posters displayed at the pool..

These are Senior and not captain photos. Team usually deals with this - either with the team funds or

parents of Senior athletes when the team photos are taken.


Fundraising idea of the towels, examples are in and look good. Supplier is in Stacy and Dean can collect.

Order form examples went round. THey will be available to order, maybe at the meets and also at school

events to raise money. Each towel is $23.50 with name and School logo. Selling for $35 to give

Wavemakers a profit of just over $10 per towel. Idea to get some printed with just the logo and to have

those ready to sell at meets.

Website Domain

Domain cost is $12 per annum. No discounts for multiple years. Jon approved signing up for the max

allowed of 3 years.


Mail Chimp

Changed the contact details for this to be Hayleys phone number and email for Wavemakers.

Dean needs to get an updated email list for the girls team.

Hospitality Tote

The tote which goes round the 3 teams for storing of the paper goods for after home meet hospilatluty

needs to be found and stocked. Amy will look at this and submit receipts for reimbursement. This is for

goods used for after meet hospitality only, not team breakfasts and get togethers .

Future Needs

Coaches need to be contacted to see what they need and require and what we can help them with.

Items that can help all 3 teams, posters, the camera equipment was last year's project which the diving

coaches and synchro team will benefit from. Amy asked if Northern Formation Synchro could use the

camera equipment, this was a WM booster club purchase for the High School teams only. They cannot

use the WM equipment for the synchro club. Dean said if they wanted to purchase the set up for their

use he is happy to share the equipment used etc.

Community SPonsors

Rebecca asked what the position is on getting sponsorship for the teams from the community. Jon didn’t

think this was a great need as we have no ‘big project’ for Wavemakers currently. A lot of local

companies provide donations to the Rangers sports for high school as it stands. There is already a space

on the meet programs and posters for the companies that support teams. Is this sponsorship extra to

this and what would they want from the deal? One for future meetings perhaps.

Next Meeting Date

■ Wednesday September 14th 2022. Same venue.

Meeting Adjourned 20;14.