December 2020

Wavemakers Meeting - 12/7/20

Attendees: Tara Thompson, Nicole Wood, Brenda Anderson, Bridget Eddy, Ann True

Agenda & Notes

Notes taken by Brenda Anderson, Secretary

Meeting officially started at 7:01pm

No meeting minutes from November meeting.

1. Memorial Donation -

  • A nominal donation was agreed upon and made to the Jan Brainard memorial fund by Wavemakers on behalf of the Girls and Boys swim teams with respect to Jan’s many years of officiating swim meets. She will be missed.

2. Boys Swim Team Update

  • Currently all practices are suspended until further notice per the State of MN and the MSHL. For future reference, if students are allowed to swim in the pool this season, the cost of captains practices has increased due to the requirement of an extra lifeguard for Covid compliance.

3. Software Update for Meet Manager

  • Rob will be in contact with Dan Landherr regarding necessary software updates for Meet Manager before the Boys Swim Team first home meet. Mike Hennon will be contacted regarding communication with the high school technical team.

4. Next meeting on Monday, January 11 location to be determined.

Meeting officially adjourned at: 7:37pm