September 2018

Wavemakers Meeting - 9/10/18

Held at Forest Lake Hardwood Creek Library in Conference Room - L12

Attendees: Pat Olson, Joe Jarosz, Christine Thomas, Tara Thompson, & Brenda Anderson

Agenda & Notes

Notes taken by Brenda Anderson, Secretary

Meeting officially started at 7:10pm

1. Start of Girl’s Swim Season-

First Girl’s home swim meet was on Thursday, August 30. Mike Thomas had completed timing system update by the date of the meet. New backstroke flags and lane lines were used during the meet and looked great! Meet ran smoothly, no new needs for next home meet at this time.

2. Wall Award Banners

Currently at the SWJH pool in office. Not installed at this time.

ACTION: Brenda is in communication with team coaches and the athletic director to try resolve issue of installation delay of banners.

3. Annual Dues

Brenda was in communication with Kim Jones regarding Wavemakers annual fee per athlete.

ACTION: Kim Jones will be forwarding a $10 annual fee per swimmer to Wavemakers from team fund after Team Cub bagging fundraising event.

4. Protocol for Future Team Expense Submissions

Brenda is in communication with Girl’s team coaches and captains to help facilitate reimbursement procedures.

5. Elections for Future Officers in October 2018

Pat Olson announced resignation. Officers will be nominated and voted upon in October.

Joe Jarosz is current interim president.

6. Parent Communication

Email to be sent out through MailChimp to inform, parents of aquatic athletes, of new Wavemakers officer positions available.

ACTION: Brenda to send out email through MailChimp.

Meeting officially ended at: 8:00pm