September 2019

Wavemakers Meeting - 9/9/19

Attendees: Joe Jarosz, Tara Thompson, Ann True, Nicole Wood, and Brenda Anderson

Agenda & Notes

Notes taken by Brenda Anderson, Secretary

Not enough members to make a voting quorum.

Meeting officially started at 7:09pm

1. Meet Manager Software Program and Computer

A newer laptop has been updated with Meet Mobile software and is now available for aquatics team use for swim meets, team pictures, team music, banquets, etc. The laptop is currently with Joe Jarosz.

ACTION: Joe to connect with Dan in preparation for the next home meet.

2. Wall Banners

New wall banners for Girls Swim and Dive Team awards have officially been ordered. ACTION: Installation will be the next step, once banners arrive.

3. Discussion of a Scholarship Fund

Discussion began of a scholarship fund for aquatic families that could benefit from a $200 or $250 financial donation per athlete. Recipients of the scholarships would remain anonymous, unless a specific request is made by a coach or Wavemaker member at which time would be voted upon. The funds are intended to aid in basic team participation costs above and beyond the initial athletic fees paid through Parent Vue. Ie. team swimsuits, team warm-ups, team caps, initial check to team for basic costs, family banquet costs, event admissions for parents and family members, possible potluck/team event costs. The scholarship fund would need to be replenished by a sustainable, annual event or reliable donation source.

ACTION: Brenda is researching terms and conditions to be drafted, and in contact with Mike Hennon regarding details to distribute funds appropriately.

4. Girls Swim Team Updates

Two team invoices were submitted via email for officers to reconcile from Girls Swim Team bank account. Reflection of Girls first home swim meet was discussed.

ACTION: Anne and Nicole have volunteered to help in two specific areas at the next home meet.

5. Next meeting on Monday, October 7 at 7pm at the Hardwood Creek Library.

Meeting officially ended at: 8:00pm