January 2023

Wavemakers Meeting

January 11th 2023 - 7:00 pm @ Faith Lutheran Church meeting room, Forest Lake, MN 


Rob True - Vice President, Shereen Jensen - Treasurer (via Zoom), Hayley Galsworthy - Secretary,  Jen Brady (synchro), Ann True, Amy Dunaway, Hannah Dunaway, Rebecca Fahning

Agenda - Decisions and Action Items 

Boys Team update

 Good results so far for the boys.  We would like to do a youth night, ask the coach. Parent night is tomorrow and Senior night is 9th Feb.  Really pleased with the team numbers this year.  Been low on timers from the girls team. Reaching out to Rochelle to help with this.

Old Business

Start Blocks.  At the end of the boys season Blocks 1 and 2 are heading to SPectrum for changing the side of the step and reinstallation.  Hennen is hoping they will cover the cost , not sure on when they will be back and ready to go.

Synchro Board

Any ideas for putting up a board needs to go through Hennen. We have an idea of what Laura is after so that is a start.  Shereen can ask the company for ideas on the costing look etc.  We need a new record board for Grace Chatwin. When they are putting up the record they can take down the older ‘Hat’ banners from the boys records.  We will give the record name to Hennen instead of to the pool office.

Not sure how far back Laura wants to go on this board for years etc. 3 columns.


Boys season has some orders, waiting on the delivery.

Can 6 plain maroon towels be bought from us for the boys senior night.


Will wait on Shereen in person at the meeting as there are a lot of options.

Recruitment ideas

Synchro needs a push on recruitment.  Amy and Hannah met with Laura.  Idea of going to the middle school for their info night but the Principal said it was not a good time for that.

Ways to get the aquatic team out there in general would be good.  Hannah is brainstorming ideas with synchro.

Can we ask if we can go into elementary schools to promote all the teams.  Tables of info at open house and conference nights, elementary and middle.

For promoting the WM can we get a full response from coaches as to what they want from us, goals and needs for the season and beyond.

New Business

Rebecca has signed up for the Rotary WInter Plunge in February in Forest Lake.

It is a great idea for aquatics teams to be involved, great opportunity for pictures in local paper and to raise money as the sponsor money can be nominated to a non profit as requested.  Can this be a general WM fundraiser or just for synchro ?  Boys team on that plunge day is the JV conference so all boys are involved in that in some way.  Rob needs to make sure it would be OK with the athletics department that we can ask for money here.  Boys team have to ask permission for the Spaghetti Dinner as we have to ask businesses for donations. 

But a GREAT promotional idea!

New Meeting Dates

Feb 7th

March 14

Next Meeting 

■ February 7th 2023

Meeting Adjourned 8:01pm.