Feburary 2021

Wavemakers Meeting - 2/1/21

Attendees: Tara Thompson, Rob True, Ann True, Jennifer Brady, Nicole Wood, Brenda Anderson, Maggie Thompson, Hayley Galsworthy, Bridget Eddy.

Agenda & Notes

Notes taken by Brenda Anderson, Secretary

Meeting officially started at 7:02pm

1. Updating Website -

  • Discussion of updating the Wavemakers Website. The website appears to have a few glitches. Discussion of asking tech savvy volunteer to help update and possibly revamp the website. The current logo needs to remain intact. Discussion of a subtitle stating the organization is the “Ranger Aquatics Booster Club” or “Forest Lake Aquatics Club” will continue at the next meeting.

ACTION: Maggie T. will be in contact with Ashlyn M. and they will start a discussion regarding ideas on a graphic design for the website.

2. Printer Connectivity during Swim Meets

  • Currently, the laptop used for operating swim meets that contains the Meet Manager software is having connectivity issues. Discussion of possible connectivity glitches due to the recent software update.

ACTION: Rob to discuss with Kim R. regarding communication with school to inquire about printer connections that may be defaulted to school printers on the laptop. Action can possibly take place after Boys Swim Team home swim meets have concluded for the season.

3. Current fundraising for the year equals approximately $3,740.00.

Most Recent Donations

  • Rob True logged 46 volunteer hours through a program called “Dollars for Doing” offered by his employer Excel Energy, which generated a donation of $460 to Wavemakers. Thank you Rob!

4. Boys Swim Team Updates

  • We are very excited for the Boys Swim Team as they are in the middle of their 2020-2021 swim season! The Boys are away this week on Thursday, February 4. The next home meet will be the following Tuesday, February 9. Please look for the link to the broadcast to view these exciting meets on the Forest Lake Boys Swim Team Facebook page. GO RANGERS!

5. Future swimming opportunities

  • Discussion of holding mock meets during the Community Education Ranger Swimming program, to promote the swim teams and teach younger swimmers about racing.

ACTION: Brenda to contact community education coaches regarding potential future mock meets and report findings at next meeting.

6. Anticipated supply needs projected for next Fall 2021 for Girls Swim Season

  1. Touch Pads

3 touch pads, at minimum, are in critical need of being replaced.

ACTION: Estimates are being researched by Nicole W., Rob T. and others. To be discussed further at the next meeting.

  1. Starter Mechanical Device

The official mechanical starting device was observed to have a large crack in it. This device is many years outdated and necessary for the swim teams to operate official meets.

ACTION: Estimates are being researched by the Wavemakers team through official suppliers.

  1. Record Board Updates

Wavemakers is responsible for record board updates. If there are any new records to be updated during swim seasons, Wavemakers makes the updates at the end of the season.

ACTION: Coaches need to inform Wavemakers of any updates that need to be made to the record boards after the conclusion of their swim season.

Go Rangers!

7. Next meeting on Monday, March 1 on Google Meets at 7pm on the following link


Meeting officially adjourned at: 7:52pm