November 2017

Wavemakers Meeting - 11/6/2017

Attendees: Joe Jarosz, Mike Thomas, Brenda Anderson

Agenda & Notes

Notes taken by Brenda Anderson, Secretary

No quorum present

Meeting unofficially started at 7:05pm

  1. Pool Lane Lines

Joe Jarosz - Lain lines arrived and were returned by Aaron Forsythe due to crimson color was too dark and not consistent with Ranger official colors.

2. Email list updates

Does mailchimp email list need to be updated to include new 7th and 8th grade parents? Does Wavemakers need an updated list from coaches?

3. Window Decals

Mike Thomas - has Forest Lake Swim and Dive window decals on sale for $5 each. He will bring them to boys Swim team parent meeting.

4. Upcoming Boys Swim Season

Mike Thomas initiated Chuck-A-Duck fundraiser at boys home meets. Money made would be designated for the boys swim team. Girls swim team can examine this event next season. Brenda Anderson volunteered to sell ducks during boys home swim meets.

Meeting unofficially ended at: 7:30pm