November 2023

Wavemakers Meeting

November 14th 2023- 7:00 pm @ Faith Lutheran Church meeting room, Forest Lake, MN


Jon Brown-President, Rob True-Vice President, Erica Taylor Radtke - Treasurer, Hayley Galsworthy - Secretary, Dominick Mancini(Boy Rep), Laura Davison(Synchro Rep), Rochelle Maczenzie (Girls Rep), Jim Fallon, Ann True, Amy Dunaway, Shereen Jensen, Dean Jensen, Amy Dunaway,

From Rotary club - Karen Moorehead, Rebecca Fahning

Agenda - Decisions and Action Items 

Girls Team Update 

Section finals last weekend. Girls took 4th overall. 1 diver, 2 swimmers are going to State this weekend. Delaney and Grace both broke girls records for diving and 100 Back. Need new records ordered. Dean can help with this. Rochelle will send details, Diving already in the email. 

Treasurer Report

Erica passed round reports balance of WM around $16000

Girls team - $4000

Synchro - $9000

Jon is concerned we spend more than we take in fundraising .


Butterbraids - November 10-28th for selling. Deliver Dec 12th.  Forms handed round there is also an online ordering system.

Epilepsy Truck will be booked for April 20th weekend - Jeanette Munkholm can arrange with the Legion for the parking etc.

Cub - Jon working on dates

DQ - In Jon’s diary to contact the beginning of next year..

New Business

Rebecca Fahning and Karen Moorehead joined the meeting from Forest Lake Rotary Club. Rebecca’s daughter is a member of the girls and synchro team. After an injury last season she got involved in the youth arm of the Rotary club and Rebecca followed.

Rebecca is looking for Wavemakers to partner with the Rotary club to raise funds for a specialized water camera that will add valuable insights into the coaching for swim, dive and synchro. Rebecca has written a grant through the Rotary and it has been approved on the basis that they can raise funds in the community for the camera fund.

Rotary can match amounts raised but it leaves a shortfall of around $7000. She would like to have the funding and camera in place by February 2024. The Athletic Department in school would have control of the camera and the Head Coaches.

Rebecca is confident that the fundraising options she outlined can bring up the shortfal.

With the help of a $2450 donation from Wavemakers , Rotary will match that and that will help with the funds needed.

The grant is complex and the fund matching also.

Fundraising ideas, Cub foods bagging , Rebecca has a few dates ear marked with Forest Lake Cub if we can help with those. Student Council and NHS could also be a good source for volunteers for their community service and volunteering hours.

Polar Plunge - the school has $1800 from last year which was raised by Rebecca’s daughter. Possible link to do this with teams etc.

The idea of a specialist camera is definitely  something that the coaches are all interested in.  Rochelle has yet to use the go pro system purchased last year.  Dean needs to go through it with her and they have no coordinated times that work for both to train.  Laura felt it was not easy to operate with coaching as well as manning a camera - could this be an idea for managers of the teams to do going forwards. This specialist camera works on a track and backpack system. Links to an ipad for the athlete to see feedback immediately.

Timeframe for the camera - Rebecca would like this to be in hands by the end of February. Grant expires in July 2024.

Rebecca has the dates for the Cub Foods she has arranged and will share with us.

All teams should be involved in helping with the funding.

Rebecca and Karen left the meeting. Lots of discussion about funding, what Wavemakers should be responsible for with the pool and athletic department,  splitting funding or should it initially come from the WM account. All coaches have no problem with putting funds from their accounts to the project.  Erica motioned to contribute the initial ask of 2450 to the project. Dom seconded and all in favor.

Other Business

Need to get the team frames updated in the High School foyers, Hayley and Ann will work on this.  Need updated posters for each team. We have only boys so far.

Due to the time taken with the camera proposal Meeting finished at 8:15pm. 

Next Meeting - December 5th - Faith Lutheran Church 7pm