May 2019

Wavemakers Meeting - 5/7/2019

Attendees: Joe Jarosz, Dean Jensen, Shereen Jensen, Dan Landherr, Mary Landherr, and Brenda Anderson

Agenda & Notes

Notes taken by Brenda Anderson, Secretary

Meeting officially started at 7:08pm

1. Record Board

Was updated successfully before synchro show.

ACTION: One record needs to be updated, Joe will update board this summer.

2. Fundraising Ideas - Continued

Fundraising is needed for upcoming essential equipment purchases for all teams.

Shereen - Idea - Dairy Queen fundraiser event night to solicit people to buy blizzards and team gets a percentage of sales for that time slot. Needs to be during M-Th. Potential summer fundraiser. (Maybe August or September, possibly a Thursday evening after Girls first swim meet).

Joe - brought up Tara’s idea regarding school spirit spray painting “FL” in yards using a purchased template as a fundraiser during Homecoming and other school events.

3. Update Wavemakers MailChimp email list.

Received new updated email contact lists.

ACTION: Joe to update email contact list in MailChimp program during summer.

4. Synchro Updates

Show was a success. Girls are looking forward to sections in Richfield on Saturday, May 18, 2019

5. Recruiting -

Sign-up sheet for “Art in the Park” schedule will be emailed soon for volunteers to represent teams at the Ranger Aquatics table.

ACTION: Volunteers needed to man the Art in the Park tables.

6. Meet Mobile/Swim Team Computer Purchase Proposal

Recommendation to purchase a new computer or gently used computer, due to the current older computer consistently crashing at swim meets.

ACTION: Joe to research economic and feasible avenues for future purchase of computer.

Meeting officially ended at: 8:00pm