October 2017

Wavemakers Meeting - 10/2/2017

Attendees: Pat Olson, Joe Jarosz, Tara Thompson, Chris Thompson, Maggie Thompson, Brenda Anderson, David Hunter

Guests: Jim Caldwell, Tiffany Borsheim, JP Jacobs

Agenda & Notes

Notes taken by Brenda Anderson, Secretary

Called to order by Pat Olson: 7:10 PM

  1. Officer Reports

Treasurer - Tara Thompson - proposal for starter cart made of pvc pipe, may be more stable than current tripod. Picture example was exhibited.

2. Wall Banners -

Championship wall banners example pictures. Discussion of design options. Picture examples exhibited.

Possible award categories-

Team: Conference, Sections, State, All American.

Individuals: All-Conference, All-State.

Need list of student names from coaches and awards.

  1. Record Board

DECISION: Joe Jarosz is in contact with record board manufacturer to make minor corrections to record board digits. Manufacturer states that are in transit.

  1. Pool Lane Lines

Joe Jarosz - Lain lines have been ordered. Approximately two week delivery. Hoping to have new lane lines by girls home meet this Thursday 10/5/17. Unsure of necessary assembly upon receiving shipment.

4. Bond /Levy - Discussion

Guest Speakers: JP Jacobs, Jim Caldwell, Tiffany Borsheim

  • Election Day is November 7, 2017, but district residents can vote anytime from today until November 7th.

  • Explanation of Levy and Bond details. See Link for further detailed information.

5. Wavemakers Insurance

Proposal to meet off site in the future to possibly lower or eliminate the need for yearly insurance premiums.

Meeting adjourned: 8:10 PM