May 2021

Wavemakers Meeting - 5/3/21

Attendees: Tara Thompson, Rob True, Ann True, Jennifer Brady, Ted Thompson, Nicole Wood, Brenda Anderson.

Agenda & Notes

Notes taken by Brenda Anderson, Secretary

Meeting officially started at 7:02pm

Amended by Tara Thompson, President, and Rob True, Vice President

1. The Girls Synchronized Swim Team update

  • The girls are in the water and routines are being perfected. Routine meets have started and anticipation of a broadcast show are in the works.

  • May 22 routine section meet to be performed at Richfield High School.

2. Officer Reports

  • Vice President report: AD Hennen confirmed that Wavemakers will not be required to pay on their pledge toward the Starter Blocks, installed in the summer of 2020 at the district pool. He instead recommended the Wavemakers fully fund the purchase of 6 Touch Pads. Rob collected a bid from Colorado Time.

  • Presidents report: Agree with VP Report and Hennen’s recommendation to purchase Touch Pads. Since we had pledges of $2500 from each of the Boys and Girls Swim & Dive teams, we should reduce that commitment to $1000/ea and collectively invest in new Touch Pads.

  • Secretary: Brenda will not renew her participation in the Wavemaker board for the 2021-22 school year, and we will need to replace her.

3. Anticipated supply needs projected for next Fall 2021. The following are forwarded from the last meeting and in process.

  1. Touch Pads

3 touch pads, at minimum, are in critical need of being replaced.

ACTION: Suggestions have been made due to cost effective reasons and system connectivity, to purchase 6 touch pads at one time.

MOTION: Proposal to purchase 6 touchpads, with the majority of the funds to be provided by Wavemakers, but $1000 to be requested from the Boys and Girls Swim and Dive teams. Voted on and approved by Wavemakers board. Proposal was based on an estimate of $5,800.00.

ACTION: Rob T. and Mike H. are in process of ordering Touch pads for 2021 fall season. Tara will reach out to the Girls Swim & Dive coach, and Boys Swim & Dive coach.

  1. Starter Mechanical Device

The official mechanical starting device was observed to have a large crack in it. This device is many years outdated and necessary for the swim teams to operate official meets.

ACTION: Current consensus is to band-aid or temporarily fix the current mechanical device until funds are available to replace the starter.

  1. Record Board Updates

Wavemakers is responsible for record board updates. If there are any new records to be updated during swim seasons, Wavemakers makes the updates at the end of the season.

ACTION: Coaches need to inform Wavemakers of any updates that need to be made to the record boards after the conclusion of their swim season.

Go Rangers!

ACTION: Tara will be ordering the 2019-2020 True Team Champion banner for boys and new records from this year’s swim season.

4. Community Education - Ranger Swimming

  • Discussion of having mock meets during the community education swimming sessions this summer and “Swim with the Rangers” - a scheduled cameo appearance by Ranger alumni swimmers. Hoping to recruit more swimmers to the Ranger aquatics programs.

ACTION: Brenda spoke with the Community Education coordinator and pool manager. Ranger Aquatics programs have been promoting the swim teams to the participants during the sessions.

5. Next meeting on Monday, August 16 at 7pm outside by the Hardwood Creek commuter bus station parking lot.

Meeting officially adjourned at: 8:03pm