November 2022

Wavemakers Meeting 

November 1st 2022 - 7:00 pm @ Faith Lutheran Church meeting room, Forest Lake, MN 


Jon Brown - President, Hayley Galsworthy - Secretary, Shereen Jensen - Treasurer, Rob True - Vice President, Amy Dunaway(girls), Jen Brady (Synchro), Ann True, Dean Jensen, Dominick Mancini(boys), Bob Olson

Agenda - Decisions and Action Items 

Girls Team Update

Last home meet was last week , senior night.  JV sections are coming up with 14 swimmers and 4 divers. Varsity section is November 10-12th.  State qualifiers with top 2 places and the cut time, diving is top 4.

Boys Team Update

Parent meeting is Wednesday November 2nd.  Hoping for a few new boys, and a returning 11th grader. Polaris is donating some items for the fundraiser and needs a banner for home meets to be displayed. Dom will work on this.  Wavemakers need to be mentioned at the parent meeting, Jen will do this. Alumni Meet is set for 22 December.

Old Business

Towel fundraiser, we will have examples at the parent meeting for the boys, Dean will get them to Hayley for this.  They can do the Synchro logo for the spring season.  Forms and orders can be given to Shereen, Anika and the boys captains , an ongoing fundraiser.  Could the boys team get a towel for the senior gifts? Something for the future.

Wavemakers Apparel 

Not feasible for a ‘store’ but Jen will see if Forest Lake Printing could do ad hoc items.


Microphone is working well, Mixer also up and running.  Need new stopwatches but it should be OK to use the office ones.

Record Board

3 pool records were broken by Stillwater, Dean will get the information and get the new boards ordered.

Good idea to save the record changing to the end of season.

Laura hopefully will have an idea of what she wants for a Synchro Record Board. Ongoing. Will see if she gets back to us by the next meeting.

Give to the Max Day 

This is November 17th Shereen will post on facebook for this and to say the money raised is for Synchro boards and timing system.


Info is in from the company and paperwork on hand.  Hayley will set up the online ordering system and hand out paper forms to the teams. 

Meeting Dates

Next is 12/6 and then we will work out future dates for 2023.

New Business

Rob brought up the starting block in lane 2 needing to have the step on the other side, due to the blockage of the diving board next to it.  The diving board cannot be moved back. Rob will ask if it is something the pool/district can help with as it could be a safety issue.  It would need to be fixed and changed.  COuld be costly as the block itself is about $7000 Can we approve money to fix this if it is something that WM have to cover.  Up-to $2000 approved, Sheeren and Jon motioned and all ex Rob approved.

Team Project

Looking at ideas to replace the banners with more of a ‘board’ listing the achievements of the teams.   DOminick wants something like the Blaine board.


Hayley found information about a clinic that runs from different pools.  They can be contacted and request that they run a clinic from your pool.  Hayley will ask Jen if this is something that could happen at Forest Lake.  Her son and Amy’s daughter are signed up for a ‘starts and turns’ clinic in December by this company, so will see how it goes.

Hayley wonders why Stillwater is so successful, they had a packed house for the girls meet the week before.  THat they run a club was the answer. THat they have a pool JUST for swim team and school. We do not have this.  Some districts have multiple pools to use.  We do not.

Special Mention for Jim Tennyson

We are very much saddened to hear of the passing of a kind and involved member of our swimming community.  He will be much missed at the poolside and Wavemakers meetings.  He is being honored at the Forest Lake Legion November 19, 12-4pm.  Thoughts and condolences go from us all to his family.

Meeting adjourned 8:15pm.

Next Meeting - December 6th. Same venue.