September 2017

Wavemakers Meeting - 9/11/2017

Attendees: Pat Olson, Joe Jarosz, Tara Thompson, Brenda Anderson, Mike Thomas, Christine Thomas, Rimma Winnick, Julie Henderson, Val Patterson, Karyn Berg, Steve Berg

Agenda & Notes

Notes taken by Brenda Anderson, Secretary

Called to order by Pat Olson: 7:00 PM

  1. Officer Reports

Treasurer - Tara Thompson - provided financial update information on all accounts.

Individual athlete accounts have been eliminated

Currently no debt remaining for record board.

Currently no debt remaining for sound system.

  1. Record Board (Installed)

DECISION: Joe Jarosz is in contact with record board manufacturer to make minor corrections to record board digits.

  1. Pool Sound System (Installed)

With the help and support from the Forest Lake music department and Dave Livermoore a new/used sound system was installed successfully in the pool area. An amplifier is located in the janitorial room, and a hole was drilled through the common wall, making it possible to connect the amplifier to a mixer in the pool area. This is to insure the new amplifier system is protected from the pool environment.

A mixer will remain on the tables in the pool area for daily use, with the expectation that a new mixer may need to be purchased every year.

  1. Pool Lane Lines

Joe Jarosz - The current lane line submitted package includes: new lane lines and new reels. Unknown if package is on order by district. Once lane line package is ordered, possible arrival time could be two weeks.

  1. Next Items for Purchase Discussed for Pool Area

Synchronized swimming recognition board

Team recognition banners

Team string of Flags

6. Recap of First Girls Swim Team Home Meet

Timing system and volunteers working well. First meet ran smoothly with no significant delays or concerns.

7. Bond Levy - Discussion

No district representative was present at this meeting.

Discussion included possible athletics bond to be presented in next local election. Discussion of possible YMCA contract in the future. Details of any contracts are still unclear on all counts.

8. Board Position Elections

Tara Thompson made a motion for Brenda Anderson to be appointed as secretary. Motion was approved by Joe and Pat.

Meeting adjourned: 7:50 PM