February 2018

Wavemakers Meeting - 2/5/2018

Attendees: Pat Olson, Joe Jarosz, Tara Thompson, Mike Thomas, Brenda Anderson

Agenda & Notes

Notes taken by Brenda Anderson, Secretary

Meeting officially started at 7:05pm

  1. Future Meeting Location Change

DISCUSSION: Next meetings on March 5 and April 2 (conference room), will take place at: Hardwood Creek Branch Library - 19995 Forest Road, Forest Lake, MN 55025

APPROVED: Motion made by Pat Olson to cancel Wavemakers commercial insurance, motion approved by voting members therefore, meeting will not be held at SWJH school. Motion approved.

2. Starting Blocks

DISCUSSION: Information and estimate has been forwarded to High School Athletic Director Aaron Forsythe.

3. Lane Line Flags

DISCUSSION: Mike Thomas provided information and estimates regarding new lanes line flags. $534.00. Storage bin for new flags TBD. Flags will be stored off site during swim teams’ off season and will be stored in the Wavemaker’s locked cabinet during swim season.

APPROVED: Pat motioned, Brenda second the motion, purchase approved.

4. Wall Banners

APPROVED: Tara Thompson ordered 20 wall banners from Rapid Press. Janitorial staff will be installing banners. Hoping to install by Thursday for boys last home meet of the season.

5. Other Equipment Purchased

APPROVED: Pull Buoys purchased to provide needed support for timing system and Fins were purchased for training purposes.

6. New Version of Meet Mobile Available

DISCUSSION: Mike will install and process new changes after boys meet ends.

7. Future Fundraising Ideas

DISCUSSION: Fun and Fit event at SWJH, Gas station gift card sales, Commercial sponsors, possible swim team members fee in future, contact Lucy Hunter for future events.

Meeting adjourned at: 8:05pm