Green House Effect

Why is the ocean blue?

Why is the sky blue?

Blue light has a wavelength that can penetrate the deepest.

Photic Zone


-The process by which solar energy is trapped and stored as chemical energy in the bonds of organic molecules

Get into groups of 4

-Each person take out a piece of paper and set it on your desk

-I am going to post a question on the board and then you are going to have 1 minute to answer it on your paper

-After the minute is up you are going to switch papers and then you will have one minute to respond to the other persons answers on their paper.

-We will rotate until you get your own paper back.

-Then we start again with the new question


1) Energy cannot be created

-Where does all the energy on earth come from and how do we get that energy

2) What do plants eat?

3) What is the waste product of plants? (What do they poop)

4) Where does all the weight come from?

-When you were born you were around 6-9 pounds and now you weigh a hundred pounds. Where did that weight come from?

5) Where does the weight in a tree come from?

-A tree starts off as a seed that only weighs one ounce and then grows up to weigh over a thousand pounds. Where did all that weight come from?

What color are leaves and why?

Light Energy