Frank Wood Shield

Post date: 27-Nov-2012 11:18:34

It was a tale of what might have been for both the 1st and 3rd teams on Monday night. The 1sts lost a close tussle with City 1 who edged a 3.5 - 2.5 win in a tight finish, City securing a win and two draws from the final 3 games.The 3rds, playing University 1, needed 2 points from the match to go through. John Taylor got them off to a fine start with an early win but both Jenny and then Bill blundered in strong positions and the chance was gone. Unfortunately, the 2nd team had to default their match against Wantage 1. So it's back to league chess from now on, or is it?

Stop press: A late reprieve for Cowley 3. University 1 played an ineligible player in the tie and have had to forfeit his win. The match result changes to 2-4 and this is sufficient for Cowley 3 to go through to the next round!