Match Report: Cowley 1 v Witney 1 - 22th October 2012

Post date: 26-Oct-2012 22:19:00

This match saw us pitched against reigning champions, Witney 1. Last year, in the corresponding fixtures, our average grade was 156. This year, we were considerably stronger, with an average grade twenty points higher, still well below our opponents average of 193! As expected, it was a tough match, but the team did themselves proud.

Geoff got himself into a very strong position in his game against Mark Hannon, but it eventually dissipated and Mark won a well played end-game. Paul showed excellent defensive skills, transposing into a drawn queen and pawn game, and Rod also drew, despite giving Mike Truran a 20 minutes head start. Ray had Peter Richmond pinned down in a cramped position, but Peter eventually broke out and it was ultimately Ray who had his pieces trapped. On the top board, Endre overcame Marcus Harvey in a Bishop v Knight endgame.

So, the game hinged on Will's game against Dave Hackett. With everyone gathering round, Will won his bishop and Knight v Rook endgame to tie the match 3-3.

The full scorecard is here. To get Witney take on the match, read their match report here.