Captain's Report for Cowley 1 2014 - 2015

Post date: 08-Sep-2015 21:54:49

Here is the Captain's Report for Cowley 1 for the 2014 - 2015 season as reported at last night's Annual General Meeting

There are two ways to view Cowley 1's season during 2014/15. Someone with a positive outlook would say that we got at least half of the points against all our opposition bar one, and finished in the top half of the table. However, it would also be true to say that we quickly sunk to the bottom of the league and fought a long and bitter relegation struggle, only to make sure of our survival in the last week of the season.

All in all, it was a very strange season. Normally 2, 3 or 4 points are sufficient for 1st division survival, but this year, teams needed 11! Five teams were involved in the relegation struggle and the Cowley teams didn't make it easy for themselves by losing all 8 points to Banbury who were eventually relegated.

In contrast, we performed well against the top teams, being unbeaten against Witney 1 and inflicting defeats against City 1 and University 1.

Maria Mate was our star performer scoring 5.5/9, but the best game result was Rod Nixon's draw against David Martins (bearing in mind that David scored 15.5/16 in the league and cup). Asif must also be mentioned as a supersub, as he was drafted in from Cowley 4 at the last minute for three games and scored 2.5 points.

Tradition has it that Cowley 1 performs poorly in the Frank Wood Cup, and this season was no exception. We were unceremoniously dumped out in the first round by University 1