Cowley 3rds win Division 3

Post date: 15-Mar-2011 08:57:33

When Ruby secured her win to put Cowley 3rds 3-0 up against Bicester on Monday evening (14th) the team had gained the one point needed to win the League. In the event a 5-1 victory was secured and promotion guaranteed with two games still to play. The squad has played consistently well, despite having key players missing for extended periods and has benefited from two new players, Pawel Cichy and Adrien Banuls, who made strong contributions on the top boards later in the season. It was also good to see Chantelle back in the team this week and with John Taylor in sparkling form, 9 wins from 9 games so far this season, the team should be able to give a good account of itself next year.

Since writing this report the team has succeeded in winning its final two games to finish unbeaten with 23 points out of a possible 24. John Taylor finished with 10 wins out of 10 games played (plus a default)! Ruby also had an excellent season taking 7 points from 9 matches to add to her outstanding performance at the Kidlington Tournament.