Match Report: Cowley 1 v Oxford University 1, 28th October 2013

Post date: 03-Nov-2013 21:12:18

This match did not get off to a good start, with the University arriving 20 minutes late, and with only two players. Nick and Dave were the unlucky ones not to get a game. Eventually we did get some chess. Andrew Chapman was putting in a guest appearance for us. He exerted a lot of pressure throughout his game, but his opponent defended tenaciously. Eventually Andrew could only make progress by permitting perpetual check. On the top board, Antonio suffered his first defeat, but on board two, Ray drew comfortably with a 200 rated opponent. The final game saw Will threatening mate on b2, whilst simultaneously defending from mate on g7. Tactics abounded in this game, so Will brought home the full point.

So, Cowley won 4-2, but it could well have been different if the University turned up on time with six players. The full match card can be found here.