An evening at Witney - a step towards the Division 3 title?

Post date: 11-Apr-2013 10:31:01

When the 3rds visited Witney for a top of the table clash with Witney 3 last Monday (8th) they were greeted by a packed hall as Witney’s 1st & 2nd teams were about to play each other in the final of the Frank Wood trophy. This provided a tense match atmosphere which was maintained through the evening. Witney 1 ran out convincing Champions but individual games were tight and the outcome was not decided until late in the evening.

Cowley 3rds won their match in typical style with wins on boards 4,5 & 6 and draws on 1,2 & 3. It is interesting to note that throughout the season John, Jenny and Graham have secured 21 from a possible 23 points playing on the bottom three boards while the top three boards have just managed to hold their own. With two matches to play the team is well placed for promotion with Didcot 2 the only team able to overhaul them. If Cowley beat Bicester on Tuesday 23rd the title is theirs but if not the final game of the season against Didcot at home on Monday 29th will be vital, with various mathematical possibilities depending on the result.