
First order of business is to check on the state of the rats things down in Mexico. I come to the realization that I can probably focus my scrying through the gauntlet now. It does indeed work and I can see the rats are still thinning out, about a 1/3 less than before. We figure give it a few more days and we should be good. This will also give us time to focus on the other things on our list.

I give Dr Andersen a call to see what news he has on these Matrix Tappers. He explains that he has been following them around and he thinks he has them narrowed down to a spot in England. I inform him of our encounter with them also. He hopes to have their location soon and he will call back when he does.

We figure that since we have a few days it is probably time to take a look as to what is going on with the cops and supernaturals. We had found out that the police force was being replaced slowly by someone and it had something to do with that rich bastard whose head had exploded. Time to go conduct some social experiments on a cop so we head to the closest donut shop. Ohm changes our auras so we look like sleepers. The two of us will go into the shop to what the cop magically. Red and Danno are outside and start up a fight to get his attention. The cop doesn't seem very interested until his cop car gets a werewolf thrown on to it's hood. The cop then heads out and starts telling them to stop it. So far it appears that the aura is playing a part so Ohm drops the spell on the two outside so they look like supernaturals again. The cop gets this blank stare on his face, gives his head a shake and then completely ignores Red and Danno. He just walks back into the donut shop like nothing happened. And as we were watching him the whole time we didn't see any magical change. Ohm and I start asking him about the two outside and he has o clue who we are talking about, it's bad enough he doesn't even see them but he doesn't even seem to remember anything happening at all. Right as I'm talking to him Ohm stops hiding my aura and the cop does the same thing, just stares right past me. This time I manage to get a glimpse of some kind of mind magic taking effect. This was looking like the work of a mage but whoever it was was hiding the magic well. We were going to need take the cop back and knock him out for a bit to try to study the spell. I convince him to take a nap and he does and we bring him back to the warehouse. We have Annie wake him up and pretend to be binding a wound as I tap into his thoughts and watch his memories and reaction from within. He has no memories of any of us when we looked like supernaturals. He had actually made up memories to explain some of the things that happened. It was like the quiescence was acting upon him just in our presence alone. Ohm changes Annie's aura to look like a mage and the cop blanks out again. I can watch his memories being changed right on the spot. This was definitely mage magic. We get ready to knock him out for a long time so we can try to unravel the spell on him. The others are concerned that he will be missed so we bring him back to the donut shop and find us a single cop who will be coming off shift so he won't be missed.

We have Annie put the cop into a nice comfortable lengthy sleep. We assume this spell is quite powerful and it will take a very long ritual casting to even hope of seeing what it is made of. Luckily the spell we need to get a proper look at the magic is one both Ohm and I can cast so we will try to do the ritual together. We decide to push the limits and cast as long as we can to make sure we can beat this spell. Several hours later it is a success and Ohm is able to see that there is a spell in place and to start trying to unravel it's mysteries. This is one hell of a spell. Four Arcanum involved, Mind, Space, Prime and Fate. The creator was at least Mastery level in each and his Gnosis was in the upper tier. It used Prime to detect the aura, Fate to conditionally set the spell based on the aura and Mind to rewrite the subjects memory. To cast it on that many people and for what seems like a very long duration would require one hell of a ritual casting. So far there is only one mage we know of that could handle something like this and his name was Donovan. The big question is why? We will have to report this to the Lady Abigail and possibly the Consilium. This is one hell of a mystery we have on our hands now.



I'm a bit in awe over this spell we found. It's the first time we have scrutinized a spell this powerful. It is one hell of a work of art. Part of me is scared of the possible implications this could have on the Lie. These cops were effectively under the influence of a version of the Quiescence. We need to awaken the sleepers. not put them into a deeper sleep. On the other hand this spell could be quite useful in controlling the sleepers in mass when the situation warranted it. I'm not sure I want to test it right now but theoretically if the sleepers can't even perceive the mage then improbable spells would become covert. That could come in handy.

The ritual casting was very interesting. This is the first time I have participated in one. Up until now ritual castings were always alone and personal. And it was kinda funny because our paths are on the opposite ends of the spectrum. Angels vs Demons, Light vs Dark. It just adds to the oddity of the grouping of people in this warehouse.
