04.27.2020 - 04.30.2020

Since most of our watches are full again we take a few days to complete the ritual with Lylith to reconfigure our patterns as she did once before. On the first day Taranis and I go to Detroit. I decided that Jericho's katana should be given to the remaining Chicago members of the Lancea Sanctum. Jericho was a very important man to them and his sword is an artifact that can only truly be used by their kind. They are quite surprised at such a gift and ask what we want in return. We tell them all we ask is they get ready and join us when we march upon Chicago.

Spend a few days imbuing spells into items. Since Donovan has destroyed most of the satellites our communication devices have been spotty so I borrowed Kat's Mastery of Mind to connect them via supernal link. Since Ragnarök can hold some spells itself Taranis and I put a teleport back to Ahava into it. This way if something happens to me Taranis can still get us out.

The nexus is now almost charged so we decide to wait another day for it to complete so we can take care of the rift. Then we will be ready to hunt the Idigam.
