
On the Entemple -- the temple within

On Diverse Spiritual Paths

If you truly believe in the Diverse, you will also believe in Diverse spiritual paths, to believe in the Diverse is to believe in many views of the Diverse.

There are many spiritual paths, based upon personality types, stages of life, careers, historical periods, culture and more. They are manifold; each represents a particular truth of our Diverse existence, an individuality within the whole of these teachings.

“Iso-theism” is the behavior which claims there is only one spiritual path for all, one point of view for all. The iso-temple has no tempo, no drum, no beat, no tap. It has no life for it is an abstracted and universalized idea freed of flesh-and-blood Human individuality.

On the Entemple

The temple of an individual is inside; it is called the "entemple". Diverse principles do not allow us to fix one spiritual way for all Humanity; we can only agree on general theological truths, and truths that, of course, separate us from some doctrines and philosophies by a very wide gap.

The "Word" of this personality is the Diverse Word, one great unifying word with an infinity of personal meanings of this word.

How then is the unity of this spiritual standpoint maintained? By personal integrity and discipline, there is no other way actually. In the end, in all Human beliefs, it always comes down to the individual, not an organization or institution. On this truth an individual builds a spiritual philosophy, and on this truth this person would make an "inner church" and get to the simple point.

The temple within is the "entemple". Each personality takes a Diverse spiritual path because each is different. We are the same in the most general and essential sense, but in the particulars we vary and sometimes conflict.

In may seem an odd thing, but the greatest paradox and the greatest truth is that there is no singular view on the Diverse, when the Diverse examines the Diverse it produces many, many points of view, and many, many entemples. There is diversity in the concept of diversity, there is no single way to perceive the mix of the world; there are so many combinations and variations of points of view. Whether we are part of schools of thought or other denominations or are independent, we cherish the entemple idea, in the end, each person’s spirituality is highly personal.

We are held together by our beliefs, at the same time, our temple is personal and inner. And this difference does not tear us apart; it ironically brings us closer together. Our spiritual philosophy reflects the true nature of the cosmos and our inner cosmos, and because of this it will last a long time.

The entemple has a steeple beyond any size; and in its prophet’s sepulcher is no one, and, at the same time, everyone.

Cage Innoye

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