
An Axxiad Ends the War of Science and Religion

-- 12 Features of an Axxiad

What is an Axxiad?

An Axxiad is a new way of looking at philosophy, science and religion. It resolves the war between science and religion. It says both are right and both are wrong.

Here are some fundamental points about the nature of an Axxiad.

1] An Axxiad solves problems that science and ‘theory’ cannot. An Axxiad is a philosophic point of view that resolves the problem between religion and science because it does not proceed from religion or science. It avoids the war of disciplines by proceeding from intuition, experience and observation, and not ideologies or sciences or dogma. It is a third way. As a result its science is spiritual, while its spiritual side is scientific.

An Axxiad’s logic stands above ordinary logic, it looks at everything even that which is illogical. Its perspective takes into account all perspectives. To do this an Axxiad must be flexible, large and open. Thus, an Axxiad has a diverse posture to accept all, mix all, and evolve all together.

In this age we need a new point of view to get above the confusion of culture wars, sectarian ideologies, the jurisdictional fights of disciplines and egotism. We need to “21st” things, get our thinking into the new millennium, “21st” ourselves. An Axxiad brings us into a new level of thinking for an age that can sum up the intellectual disasters of the last centuries.

2] An Axxiad is simply a very general view that covers many, many topics — religion, spirituality, science, culture, society, government, economics, world relations, psychology, media and the internet, ethics, education, philosophy, strategy, organization, methods, relationship to Nature, life and so on.

3] An Axxiad comes from a common set of principles. You could say it is the most general philosophy if you like; in fact, it is the most general of all philosophies. And it is, in fact, kept purposely vague to make it acceptable and applicable to many fields. The basic principles are derived from observation, from intuition, from life. An Axxiad proceeds from apriori concepts that we know are true, that is, thought methods that we intuitively know are correct.

4] The general concepts are that of the Diverse concept — difference, change, individuality, complexity, creativity, evolution, differentiation and undifferentiation. This is its core view of the world, the cosmos, Human society and Human psychology.

5] Thus, an Axxiad is able to have so many systems under its umbrella -- sciences, sociology, psychology, religion and so on. An Axxiad upholds the differences in these fields and disciplines, it does not try to reduce one realm to another, or reduce all to philosophy. Philosophy is way to link the various thought systems, to find some common overlap, but each field is unique unto itself, and derives its concepts and theories and methods from its independent nature. So while the philosophy is based on principles of diversity, it also recognizes that other disciplines are different and have their unique rules, they express the diversity of the Diverse too. Generality, that is, philosophy, and specialization, sciences and disciplines, form a duality.

6] Axxiad principles are also applied to itself. The Axxiad philosophy differentiates, it grows and evolves like any science or philosophy or body of thought.

7] An Axxiad creates a mixing of perspectives because it covers so many realms; the various disciplines begin to borrow ideas and commingle perspectives. This is a natural result of Diverse thinking, the once distinct realms now find some overlap. Thus, we find religion mixing with the conventional philosophy, or psychology and media theory intermingling, or creative theory and sociology integrating, or entertainment fusing with non-entertainment. And we find that the general philosophic overview also being influenced by the fields that it is applied too — theology, psychology, creativity. So the Axxiad view itself becomes more mixed and diverse over time. The Axxiad is open, flexible, evolutionary, dualistic; it differentiates.

8] About religion, an Axxiad can be called a “religion”, but technically it is not. As said above, an Axxiad includes religion, theology and spirituality, but also it includes such things as economics and media theory and strategy. At the same time, its theological and spiritual aspects can be called a “religion” in a very loose sense. And since in this age spirituality has reached an apogee of neglect, an Axxiad’s view on the topic of religion is restorative and refreshing.

An Axxiad might be more a “life philosophy” with a spiritual dimension for sure. For individuals, they will find a mixture of ideas and practices that work for themselves. The Axxiad approach is quite flexible because it is a diverse approach, and above all it is highly individual and personal.

9] An Axxiad overlaps with mythology. Personal philosophy, ethics, spirituality, psychology, creativity, values and so on are integrated also into an Axxiad, because an Axxiad must address the issues of personal existence, as well as, social, historical and cosmological issues.

10] A mythology is ultimately about living a life, so an Axxiad too is ultimately about how to live a life. Thus an Axxiad is highly personal too.

An Axxiad is the view of an individual not of a class or sect or elite. It is distinctly a very personal perspective taken up voluntarily and accessible by all Human beings. An Axxiad is not the old “worldview” concept of “history” and its forces outside of individual influence, a mystical social law of evolution outside of Human control

11] An Axxiad comes out of the intangible realm, from the inner realm of our minds, it precedes the tangible sphere. An Axxiad is our perspective, our guide, our values, our ethics, our philosophic framework and more. And these are our starting points as Human beings, not the realm of matter and things. The inner shapes the outer; the intangible shapes the tangible.

12] Finally, an Axxiad is a “moment”. This may sound strange.

We have a moment of clarity, a leap of wisdom, we then return to a specialization, to a particular perspective. While we are engaged in our different minds, such as reason or imagination or emotions or doing or memory, we will be stressing certain aspects of the Axxiad, but not necessarily getting the overall significance of it. Our particular states of mind are biased. But when we are in certain disconnected frame of mind we can fully get that an Axxiad stands above all and puts it all together.

The same came be said for immersion in particular fields or disciplines. We may be deep into science or theology or psychology or sociology, and not necessarily see the overall essence of an Axxiad as something above that can guide the work of one’s specialization. You get stuck temporarily in the mindset of one field.

This may be hard to understand for some. Because the Axxiad requires getting out of the mindset you are in at a particular moment to see all of the other perspectives you need in addition to your field.

Another way to say this is that an Axxiad is a Process. Over time you move through its various features. At each phase you will stress different things. You may even conduct an argument with yourself about this and get a headache.

There are views called “process philosophies”. An Axxiad takes this logic to the next step and says that “philosophy is a process”. There are contradictions in the philosophy, it is complex, it has many sub-methods and applications to fields. And at any point you are focused on one issue and may not see other issues.

This is a peculiar psychological point but very important. An Axxiad is unlike other thought system, it moves, it is a process, it is a circle. All other systems are fixed and fixated; they are dogmatic, immovable, sectarian, rationalistic. They have one point of view wherever you are in your work, in a journey, at any time.

But the Axxiad is like the real world -- complex, evolving, contradictory. And it is like our minds which are also complex, evolving and contradictory. So an Axxiad models both reality and brains.

So it has downside too -- contradiction at times, surprises, new problems, and even stress and irritation at times. It is not a pure place to go that you can find respite and absolute harmony as in other thought systems, though overall it solves many problems and gives joy and pleasure. Old doctrines are often designed for emotional reasons, for escape, serenity, relief etc. They are simple to use but unfortunately reality is not simple.

The best we can do is to keep in the back of our minds the essential facts of an Axxiad so that what is in the foreground does not lose touch. And we can always remember that an Axxiad is full of moments, and we travel in a long arc from one to another. Life is a succession of moments; the best we can do is attempt to hold onto the continuities.

An Axxiad is a superior view and thus gives you essential knowledge and skill. But it does not always give you the comfort of academic systems nor is it a mantra to chant or a work of art to entrance you.

It is a process; it is a series of moments. But because of this an Axxiad gives you a distinct advantage over others – the skills of using an Axxiad allow you to work out problems in other fields or in life because they are complex and changing too.

Cage Innoye

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