Articles p.7

We Live in a Great Diverse




Here are some excerpts from articles that elaborate on the concept of a Diverse:


The cosmos is not a “Universe, it is a “Diverse”. From an initial singularity the cosmos produces difference and diversity in a long, long chain. Galaxies, suns, planets, single celled organisms, complex living things, ecosystems, species evolution, intelligent races, Human culture, individuals, multiple perception, manifold brains. This diversity is both spatial and a diversity over time. The thesis of a Diverse is radical and new:


The Diverse arises in this present age, in the third millennium. All of its major themes are present. They are being pulled together into self-consciousness.


The old age which suppressed Diverse thought is now gone. A new age is here that no longer opposes the forces of the Diverse. In fact, it fuels the Diverse in every field of thought and activity from economics to psychology to government to the spiritual to communication. The age after suffering provides the foundation for the rise of Diverse culture.


Let us talk about the Diverse.


On the Meaning of the Diverse

All existence IS the Diverse, inner and outer, cosmos and Humankind, abstract and material, emotional and rational, past and future.


The Diverse is an infinite plurality, an expanding manifold, a “many” that continuously divides into more many. The Diverse is diverse in space, expressed as endless forms and things, moving in infinite space; and diverse in time, expressed as ongoing evolution, and also the simultaneous existence of one phenomenon at different stages of development.

The Diverse begins as a spectrum of phenomena between space and time, as a range of matter and energy, of things between structure and motion, between field and void, between flow and the static, between something and nothing, between mass and massless, between connection and disconnection, between positive and negative. The Diverse creates a great range of energy, field and matter and even dark matter. Differentiation of these forms produces individuality and particularity of phenomenon; and unending combinations of forms and nonstop evolution of them.


The Diverse unfolds the cosmos; it creates and elaborates life and great ecologies; it develops the manifold sciences and their laws; sciences themselves begin in a first stage where they develop common themes for a phenomenon, and then evolve to a higher stage that recognizes difference, parts, individuality and change. Matter takes dictation for all duration, it keeps transcripts of the Diverse, we see eternity compressed, evolution confessed. The record of the Diverse is saved for us; science discovers it.

The Diverse spins out a procession of Human cultures, an infinity of Human individualism, and the endless evolution of point of view.


The Diverse differentiates and this differentiation differentiates on and on and on. This is its essence. From this process comes difference, detail, parts, individuality, change, complexity, particularity, conflict, duality, the new, evolution, chaos, splitting, the creative, inner and outer, variety, range, simultaneity, non-hierarchy, the indeterminate, the vague, the inefficient, the wandering, the unstable, the flexible, the non-uniform, the independent and so much more.


This is an unstoppable power and force of the cosmos. In differentiation IS time, evolution, life and energy.


This drive of differentiation is primary, though organization and stability is an important feature of the cosmos, it is secondary; and it plays catch up to the fundamental power of change and difference, and it can never control or contain change and difference.

But though the cosmos is diverse and Human beings are naturally diverse by nature, that does not mean certain Human beings or whole cultures will automatically grasp the diverse nature of the Diverse. We may be the result of a very long and complex diverse evolution but that does not mean that we automatically have a diverse outlook. Sadly enough, many people do not accept the diversity of the Diverse, they oppose Nature, and they oppose the diversity within themselves and within others. They build up "civilizations" against the Diverse. Humans have choice and they may choose to suppress their diverse natures, and cage their natures with restrictive structures, but in the end the Diverse will be free, and break through all cages material or ethereal.


On the Diverse Human

The Human race has been differentiating from the time of the very first Human. The Diverse is inborn in all of us. Through wrong perceptions and wrong emotions we can be confused about our true reality. Great energies have been applied against individualism, difference, freedom and creativity. And great efforts have been aimed against the complexity and wealth that reside in all of us. But, finally, the true individual appears in history. And at the top our lungs we shout, "I am an Individual!” And no longer do we care what the stars say of us.


Whole civilizations have been concocted to suppress our inner Diverse. But they have fallen or will fall because our basic physiology and psychology cannot be eradicated or suppressed forever.


We are now at the stage of our history and evolution where self consciousness of our diverse natures is appearing. At the end of the age of suffering, when anti-diverse principles are clearly failing, the self-conscious Diverse appears in the mind and heart of Humankind.


What is the point of history? What is the great mystery? It is the Diverse, now we know…

The idea of a Diverse leads to a different spiritual perception, a different frame of mind:



On the Identity of the Cosmos

The cosmos IS the Diverse. You are part of the Diverse, the Diverse is within you, and you are the Diverse. All around you is the Diverse, you are at the boundary between your inner and outer Diverse. And you are at the boundary between your personal and Social Diverse. The Diverse is here, there and in between. The Diverse is not separate from the world, it IS the world.


On the Personality of the Diverse

The cosmos has no mind, has no will, no plan, no models, no consciousness. It is law without mind, it is energy without emotion, it is wisdom without teachings, and it is change without a blueprint. It is infinite, yet finite, material yet abstract, absolute and peculiar. It is more profound than we know or can ever understand.


We can't say what it is, because we don't know, it escapes all definition. It is "is", it behaves, and it is pure manifestation. And this "is" always "was" and "will be". It is the ultimate state of being verb.


The cosmos does not hide, it is everywhere, always. It is all things, the life of all things, the past of all things, the present and future of all things. The cosmos does not reside elsewhere; it lives within you, all around you. The cosmos does not lie; it reveals itself honestly and directly to you.


On the Personality of Humans

While it is natural to "Humanize" the cosmos giving it Human qualities, it is wrong. It is wiser to do the opposite and make ourselves more like the cosmos, that is, diversify ourselves, express the creativity in ourselves, recreate ourselves, become individuals so that the spirit of the cosmos, the Diverse fills you up and then pours out.


This view of a Diverse leads to new thinking and new behaviors. It changes all that we do. How we see ourselves, what our tasks are, what methods we should use and not use, what the basis of new moral code might be, what kind of society we should create and more:


“The fundamental premise here is we live in “Diverse”, not a “Universe”. A Diverse has a distinct nature and viewpoint. You are a Diverse of many, many things – a collection of various drives, needs, perceptions, emotions, intuitions, habits, conscious and non-conscious behaviors, organized and chaotic behaviors, long lists of personality traits, competing values and principles, rational and creative minds, dream minds and spiritual minds...


Human Society is too a Diverse of many, many things – billions of individuals; a multitude of nations, ethnic groups, religions and cultures, institutions of economics, government, foreign policy, art, education, media, healthcare...


Since individuals are Diverses and society is a Diverse, to understand ourselves we must grasp the principles of the Diverse. The entire cosmos is a Diverse; Nature is a Diverse, Human society, you and your brain are a Diverse too. Thus, we can see a chain of differentiation beginning with the cosmos and ending with your own personal neurology.

From the origin of the cosmos comes matter that is not “mere matter”— it evolves, it creates structures, it engenders life, thought, morality and creativity. From an original “Subsume” where all things are fused, a potential develops. Difference, diversity and individuality elaborate in endless chains. Atoms and particles are “evolutionary units” that evolve many profound phenomena.


The very idea of the “Diverse” is opposed to a “Universe”. The Diverse refers to difference, individuality, particularity and complexity. Change and evolution represent diversity over time.


The old notion of a “Universe” has opposite features to the Diverse; it stresses stasis, stability, organization, hierarchy, repetition, commonality, imitation and so on. People who stress “universal thinking” want “systems” of control and dogma; they do not want individuality, diversity or creativity.


A very important concept about the Diverse is “differentiation”, the generation of difference. Opposed to differentiation is “undifferentiation” meaning the limitation of difference as in “universal thinking”. Undifferentiation is essential otherwise we would not have organisms, organization, theoretical systems, education, common institutions or governments or economies.


However, differentiation is the primary force in the cosmos though undifferentiation has its place.


The practical problem becomes what is the right mix of differentiation and undifferentiation, and then the changing strategy as the world evolves. This is the basic method of Diverse thinking.


The principles of the Diverse are applied to many fields to flesh out the abstract rules, giving them detail and particularity. At the same time, each field or realm offers its own rules and behaviors as each is a Diverse in itself, each institution and science, each part of your brain. Cosmology, creation, origin and evolution are addressed by the Diverse idea. Many issues of theology are addressed — a notion of origin or “god”, souls, faith, power, sacred, divine. Diverse thought applies to psychology, emotions, economics, government, education, Nature, creativity, morality, life issues, communication, media and so on.


Philosophically, the Diverse is a proper noun that includes all things. But we should not get confused thinking this word “Diverse” is reality itself, for the true Diverse is all things in the cosmos. The Diverse is an infinity, an evolving infinity. Though axioms can be derived for it, its ultimate nature is a mystery as to why it is and when and how it began. Our science discovers its laws infinitely but never “why” it exists.


To think in Diverse terms is to accept the diversity of all things; man is the self-conscious Diverse recognizing this. The cosmos IS the Diverse. Humans can recognize this truth; this puts us on our unique path in the Diverse.


The Diverse stresses individuality; society is a collection of individuals. In the Diverse, the battle is between healthy and unhealthy individuality. Further, in the Diverse, one must discover her or his true identity. The sheer complexity of your personality causes difficulty, add to that you are in constant evolution, thus, finding identity is a key task for a Human.


Recognition of the Diverse may create some inner conflict for some. To accept your individuality and identity and that of others creates a contradiction, a duality within you that reflects this friction in the world. But if you truly believe in a Diverse, you will appreciate, respect and defend the individuality and difference in others — because this is the way of the cosmos, and this is the best way of existence for us, collectively. “Sociality” arises, that is, concern for society and others; this does not diminish individuality but works with it and expands it.


You must think in wholes. The problem of wholes is resolved by understanding you must represent yourself and the whole (others) at the same time. You are yourself and the whole at the same time. This duality once grasped is the essential lesson for a Human being.


Sometimes a major issue comes up as to whether there is a singular view of the Diverse. A wise person says “NO”, this cannot be, the Diverse is too big for one view of itself. Multiple-perception is the nature of our existence in the Diverse. We each have our own particular view, but at the same time we can see another’s view. Our unity then with others is in the generalities. Our debates will be eternal, but at the same time if we are wise, our unity will be eternal too. A “united front” of Humanity marches forward.


Love of the different is a very important emotion. Other perspectives teach love for others because they are the same as you, and there is much truth in this. But the Diverse view says love them because they are different too. This way we have two forms of love and care in the cosmos.


The consequences of a Diverse are vast. A Human lives a life of many needs. Our brain houses many minds we must understand and juggle. Our emotions are complex and dynamic; they must evolve into a Diverse and not be suppressed. Time in a Diverse is expressed in moments, we get confused by this, “momentia” may result. In solving complex problems we must “range think”, ranging over many solutions at once. We learn in the vast Diverse through a wandering experience. Further, we learn by directness about ourselves and the world, and not through middlemen; we must experience reality directly and not filtered by others.


Naturally, good communication is the primary mode of connection and interaction in a social Diverse. More, diversity applied to economics, government, international relations, education, organization, media, entertainment, art and so on results in very different ideas and different institutions than those that exist today. Diverse thinking changes our relationship with Nature; we are now a single species in an interconnected natural Diverse.


What separates us from the whole Diverse is that we are the self-conscious Diverse. We see the Diverse, accept it, apply it to all things, and build on it.


Also, it is best to see the Diverse as a force, an energy or power.  See the Diverse as a verb and not as a noun; this grammatical clarification will make it clear what you must do — summon the power of the Diverse within, become the self-aware verb of the cosmos, act upon Diverse.


Thus, the Diverse view is a self-help perspective, you save yourself because you have the power within; then you can help save others, teach others, mentor others and ally with others to change the world. If we use the principles of the Diverse, we can do many things, if we use principles of “universal thinking”; we get confused and enable bad behavior.



Cage Innoye

Published by Axxiad News