
Is Survival Enough?

One trait we share with all living things is the drive to Survive. And it would seem that in a situation where we have eroded an Ecosystem to the point that our very existence is questionable, then one would expect that the survival instinct would come to the fore, that it would trump all other distractions and negative behaviors. But so far it has not.

And it is not likely that simple survivalism is enough. There are far too many distractions to a Human Being. And one of those primary distractions is Survival in the Human sphere, in Human systems.

We try to survive in harsh economic and political systems, we try to survive in cold and alienated cultures, we try to survive in communities of prejudice, we try to survive in a world of war and competition.

When a system is created that puts ordinary people into a survival mode, this kind of survivalism transcends the more fundamental sort in relation to Nature.

The types of “Survival” compete with each other. One has a greater hold upon us, but the other determines our very existence.

One Survivalism will trump the other.

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