
Elaboratia – the suppression of emotional development.

Diverse Philosophy produces a view of a psychology that stresses the idea of “differentiation”. This framework looks at the evolution of differences, parts and complexity in our minds. In Differentiation psychology we note that the brain of a child starts out with a fused state where reason, imagination, emotion, subconscious and memory are all combined. Over time these faculties evolve into independent spheres. The same is true of emotions…

On the Meaning of “Elaboratia”

A Diverse view of emotions would not be complete without understanding “Elaboratia”. “Elaboratia” is the state of a lack of emotional elaboration, splitting, development and nuancing. The emotions begin in an unelaborated whole but they can be stunted through abuse and directed down negative channels. A child begins with a very small range of base emotions. Over the course of a lifetime these few emotions evolve into a more complex system of feelings, more refined and intricate. In a healthy environment and upbringing the base emotions elaborate into the wide range of Human affections and passions. Living life as an empiric helps us gather up this growing collection of feelings. Our Human goal is an ever expanding “thesaurus of emotions”, of new emotions, nuanced emotions, combined emotions, opposite emotions and higher emotions.

Elaboratia comes in various forms and a range of degrees. Elaboratia is the result of interference in your emotional growth, a stunting of it, a sidetracking of it, through abuse and neglect which leads to the rise of negative emotions that lock you into narrow perspectives and experiences. Anger, fear, guilt, worship, despair, inadequacy, abandonment, lack of connection, emptiness, rebellion, sentimentality, over-responsibility, and obsession prevent you from developing positive emotions and positive experiences; they prevent you from elaborating your emotions, developing a range of emotions, opening up. In its extreme forms, victims of elaboratia become antisocial, they lose their feelings, they fixate on rebellion, they become paranoid, they become obsessive and compulsive, they become highly dependent on others, they have breaks with reality and live in fantasy, they become overly dramatic, they become suicidal and they develop grandiose egos and so on. (see discussion in appendix, “Laws of Emotions”)

An elaboratia victim will hold onto negative emotions because the victim is in the grip of them. He perceives the world in a fearful way, so everything produces fear, amplifying the original perception of fear; she sees the world in an angry way, so everything produces anger, underscoring the original belief; the emotions feedback on themselves through the construction of a sort of emotional ideology. Thus, the victims write an ever-expanding dictionary of fear and anger.

The negative emotions have been promoted by hostile parents, peers and community; these feelings keep a child in a state that serves the superior’s own emotional problems. The child is kept guilty, afraid, feeling inadequate, unloved, abandoned, betrayed, wallowing despair and so on because this feeds the needs of the parent and the control behavior of the parent. The child is abused and neglected. Love is withheld as if it were loot to be hoarded; puppies become tools and laughter diabolical.

These negative emotions also can serve the need of some social systems; perfectly healthy “managers” can inculcate elaboratia in children and whole populations. Consumerism, war, poverty, bigotry, modern media and other forces and conditions can manipulate and damage emotions.

In the family the basic psychology of children is formed, that is why a healthy family is so important to society. In family, too, the basic psychology of children can be de-formed, so family dysfunction is a very important project for lords and cults, and as well as for unhealthy parents.

A child is easiest to make dysfunctional because it has no defenses, it is easily imprinted, it worships parents and adults, it craves love and attention, it blames itself for all failures and suffering, it is incapable of rational argument, it has no basic accumulation of life experience to make judgments. The psyche of a child takes dictation and records every abuse and every pain, the soul becomes a geology of suffering. The child evolves its own individual dysfunction in reaction to its treatment; it compensates for inadequacy, it seeks substitute love, it is at war with the world, it trusts no one, it compensates for constant fear. Our first dysfunction is to accept the dysfunction of others, this a child does; it knows no better, it has no choice. It grows up seeing dysfunction as normal. In childhood the basic lessons of the distraught are taught. You may look at dysfunction as a social virus or a savage curriculum or even as untoward spirits entering a body that must be dispelled; the “form” is of no matter, the content is the same.

The child develops an “ego” that is asymmetrical; it is under-inflated here and then it compensates over here with over-inflation. Compulsions and addictions may appear. The child grows up and passes on the dysfunction to new children; later, it abuses and neglects its own children causing a new round of damage.

Elaboratia suppresses your emotions, prevents you from being an emotional whole, an elaborated whole. Further, your dysfunction suppresses someone else’s emotions too, preventing then from becoming an emotional whole also. The elaboratia victim is a “Siphon Heart” that siphons off the feelings of others for she or he has none. Yet, with a great hole at the bottom of their hearts it never is filled, it drizzles away all its feelings, and thus Siphon Heart must siphon more feelings from another in an unending quest for emotions.

Dysfunction has a social cause and cure. Escaping dysfunction likewise requires a social factor too -- an external force, person or persons, to help set in motion and guide the process of emotional elaboration. If there is no intervention, then the abuse and damage spreads. Why do people not intervene? Fear and alienation are reasons, but more disturbing is the fact that as dysfunction spreads in a society, many people become accustomed to seeing dysfunction and, worse, are dysfunctional themselves. Individuals retreat inward in the face of spreading dysfunction and elaboratia, and thus accelerate its growth in communities and across the planet.

The elaboratia victim suffered because she or he was denied love. All of the reactions of the victim are a result of this simple fact. Lack of love caused them to become sick and deluded and socially destructive. Thus, the true solution is the giving of love, to find substitute parents in the world who can show the individual that all people are not abusive or neglectful. This gains trust again and this new relationship begins to open up a world of positive feelings, a world of revolutionary new feelings that fight the old negative reactions. With love, the victim reconsiders her or his unconscious decisions about people; with love, hope appears, and good feelings appear which were not known to even exist. Since lack of love was the original cause, love will be the solution. It is that simple.

On Cultural Elaboratia

A second source of elaboratia is in culture, above, we have focused on family causes. Cultural elaboratia can be produced by hostile social environments that also suppress emotional development and support negative emotions. While family elaboratia seems to produce the greatest suffering and confusion in individuals, cultural elaboratia organizes elaboratia into institutional forms. The types of cultural elaboratia in the world are actually quite obvious. And they too require a kind of therapy or counseling on a mass level.

Cage Innoye