
Diverse Philosophy Applied to Issues in Human Culture

(from the first chapter of The Axxiad)

Let us apply the ideas of the Diverse to many cultural issues and problems—


The Diverse applied to government is simply democracy; in fact, democracy is the whole Social Diverse trying to run the whole Social Diverse, not a part trying to run the whole. In a Diverse democracy all social sectors, all views, majority and minority and individual, are represented, given access, funded and supported.

Also, Diverse thinking yields a referendum kind of democracy where politicians become more like “functionary legislators” helping the citizen, and where the role of experts is elevated to help the citizen. The old system of politicians and ideologies that fought each other but united against the citizens will be replaced.

Diverse philosophy requires that each citizen as a member of the Social Diverse be active, so that all the views of the Social Diverse are represented. Diverse democracy is founded on "directness" and the elimination of middle men. Thus, the true check and balance is the citizen itself, not one institution or political party checking another, or certainly not politicians checking each other.

The diverse view of a constitution is that it is a minimal document to maximize citizen participation in government -- a document that does not interfere with free behavior, allowing citizens to associate voluntarily; and that recognizes the diversity of needs and pursuits of an individual outside of government.

Democracy is more than government, democracy is “cultural”; it exists in civil society and within the state. Democracy covers all social behavior. Most importantly, democracy resides within the psyche of the individual, not only as the active citizen but, more, as the manager of an inner Diverse, for the skills of managing the inner Diverse are the generally the same for managing the outer Social Diverse. The inner democracy and the outer democracy are the same.


The Diverse applied to economics results in an open, free, competitive market system, which reflects the diverse needs and activities of an entire population. Diverse economics utilizes a diverse collection of metric targets to evaluate the performance of a company. These include money and profit, which are, ultimately, a measure of supply and demand; and more, measures of product quality, production efficiency, environmental management, charity, community relations, customer relations and much, much more. To only focus on one measure, to focus on money, is to chase only profit and give up all of other needs of a company and of society. Thus, new economics uses a diverse collection of targets and goals. And these are unlimited and bring in things alien to old economics, but not alien to the Human psyche; all things can become metrics for a business and industry, and new businesses and industries can be created on new metrics.

At the same time, a Diverse economy manages interlocking relationships between business, consumers, investors and communities in the whole of economic society. The Diverse economy connects up the entire Social Diverse into a whole. And Diverse forms of ownership are encouraged such as cooperatives and truly democratic corporations.


Diverse thought applied to communication and media gets right to the heart of the matter about diversity. Communication is the primary way that the Human Diverse connects and relates. When basic communication is hindered, then diversity is hindered and then suffering results. De-communication warps our Social Diverse; communication opens it up and lets it flourish. Communication brings learning, assimilation, persuasion; de-communication, in the end, brings force, the force of one social group against another, one anti-social individual against another.

Range Thinking

Diverse theory applied to strategy yields "range thinking". Wise people think in terms of ranges and spectrums of possibilities, of coexisting possibilities. We avoid the extremes of "isolation", the one-sided, absolute positions at the very ends of a spectrum, which are just pure abstract concepts that simply help us mark off our graph. The iso-points are the realm of the unworkable. But in between is the possible.

Range thinking reduces antagonism between extremes and offers a flexible spectrum of tactical solutions. Range thinking is a Diverse thought method applied to organization, goals, methods, solutions, values, behaviors and perceptions.

Range thinking requires skill in flexibility and re-combination, acceptance of the ambiguity of co-existing but conflicting solutions. Range thinking is highly pragmatic, and range thinking demands skill in negotiation and compromise.

To a range thinker, evolution is a range, truth is a range; the Diverse itself is the ultimate range. The range thinker appreciates all views in a range, the range thinker learns from views in a range, the range thinker embraces the whole range.

Simultaneous Evolution

Diverse theory applied to evolution results in the idea of simultaneous evolution, that is, Diverse thinking means seeing many different stages of evolution simultaneously, a spectrum of evolutions all at once, old and new stages side by side, contemporaneous.

Individuals, cultures, economies, governments and nations are all at different stages of evolution, all co-existing, all simultaneous. This is life in the Diverse and it creates a bit of complexity.

This means that a Diverse thinker has one general view, but he or she must apply it differently to each locale or condition or situation, each culture, each individual and so on.

This individual calls, "simultry" (sigh'-mull-tree), the exploitation of simultaneous evolution, that is, when more developed cultures and individuals take advantage of less developed cultures and individuals. Simultry is the bigotry of the advanced, of the modern. It opposes mutual solutions, it refuses to wait for the slower, and it uses differences to its gain. The result of simultry is a larger gap between the developed and undeveloped, leading to conflicts that eventually obstruct the evolution of even the advanced, creating misery for all.


The Diverse applied to complex organizations reveals not rigid systems, but collections or "kollects" (koh'-lex). Kollects are looser organizations that provide more freedom for constituent parts. Kollects achieve more than one goal; they are open-ended, able to evolve. The kollect does not try to suppress individuality, change or difference; it creates organization for beneficial reasons to Humanity, by observing the essential power of the Diverse. Kollects exist in a range of forms for different tasks, goals.

Old organization opposed the Diverse, trying to mark off a space of absolute control in the social world. A kollect merely takes the forces of the Diverse, makes them self conscious, and concentrates them for our social good. The kollect gives up control for result, and gives up dogma for Human welfare.

The Multi-Centered

The Diverse applied to culture is the concept of the multi-cultural, but more, the notion of the "multi-centered". The old concept of authoritarian centers is obsolete because it suppresses diversity, difference and individuality. The multi-centered is based on commonality and at the same time difference. The “Universe” has a center, the “Diverse” has none; it is multi-centered.


The Diverse, applied to the concept of "civilization", tells us that a civilization has no headquarters. It is not one big organization or a party. It is the greatest social collection; it is the greatest Human diversity. Dictators reduce civilization down to fixed systems, ideologies and singular points of view; true civilization opens up the mind into thousands of schools of thought.

And more, civilizations can be measured by the degree of individuality that its citizens’ possess; the further you go back in the past, the less diversity. Civilization is, by definition, a process of differentiation and individualization.


The Human being lives in a vast social and cosmological Diverse and lives in an inner Diverse. The Diverse applied to psychology yields a collection of various drives, needs, perceptions, emotions, intuitions, habits, conscious and non-conscious behaviors, organized and chaotic behaviors, long lists of personality traits, competing values and principles, rational and creative minds, dream minds and spiritual minds, and on and on. And all this in a state of constant change, reorganization, replacement and re-bias. All these psyche elements must be understood in themselves and then integrated into a whole.

The Human mind is a highly complex organ, and it is this essential truth that causes us some problem; it has so many ways of potential failure. In this age an integrated science must develop.

The Diverse applied to emotions yields the necessity of differentiating, elaborating and evolving emotions through experience. And as we go along we must learn to manage them together. Elaboratia is the malady that suppresses our emotional growth. And iso-emotions are emotions that get stuck and become extreme.

The Diverse applied to the domineering logical mind yields the necessity of developing the creative mind, the behavior of play, loving and caring, and the mind that focuses on method and not ideas. Then these minds must be united into one coordinating mind


The Diverse applied to life illuminates the many sides of Human existence -- drives and needs, work and play, art and science, cultural enjoyment, creative and logical, self and society, family and community, stages of life and career, stages of self knowledge and exploration, travel, social service and much more.

The Diverse applied to Human experience shows us that existence IS experience, manifold experience, and non-stop experience. An wise person is an "empiric", one who stresses direct experience, one who engages in the empirical realm of life. The empiric is a scientist of life, one who studies it, goes into it, practices it, experiments with it, gathers emotional and perceptual data, and draws conclusions, arriving at ideas about life. The empiric learns of the diverse nature of Human existence in the only way one can, through direct experiences. “Directness” is how a Human connects with the Diverse without middle men or mediating forms.

Time and Moments

A Human being is thrust into a world of moments, succeeding moments; this is the temporal structure of the Diverse. Each moment has its distinct reality and then it passes; a new moment replaces it with its own conditions. The mind must learn to manage this flow of moments, submerging and emerging. And the key is to hold onto what runs through all the moments finding the continuous that keeps you connected and grounded. If not, we develop the problem of “momentia”.

The Spirit

The Diverse applied to the spirit produces a new view of the cosmos, "God", faith, power, proportion, the soul, Human evolution, action and self creativity. And it produces the profound recognition that each individual has its own spiritual perspective and path, its own “entemple”. While we agree in the general truths, each person has her or his own individual and particular spiritual philosophy and method, a private entemple.

Love and Caring

Love is what connects the Social Diverse; love of the Diverse is the highest form of love. Bigotry and harm are no longer tolerated. All Human beings are brought into the Social Diverse, no one is neglected. Love, care and morality all flow directly from the notion of a Diverse. All transgressors are supported with efforts toward reform and contrition. Love is denied to no one. Diverse Love connects the different into a whole and through this we find that we and the different are the same.

Self Love

The inner Diverse is a realm as large as the outer Diverse, and we often find that we are critical, repulsed or ashamed by many parts of ourselves. Diverse love applies not only to the outer but the inner realm too. We are not merely accepting or tolerating of ourselves, but we must appreciate and develop all the fragments of our persona, for they are all who we are. In self love is the first step to living fully in our psyches, exploring the diversity of ourselves.


Creativity is a fundamental expression of the Diverse. Genio is an essential force of the Diverse. Genio is the essence of the process of differentiation in the cosmos. Genio created our diverse reality. Genio is in all things. Genio is in Humanity. Genio is the genius of the cosmos; Genio is the genius in all of us. In the Diverse we all have genius within us. The Diverse makes genius democratic and mass.

The Diverse applied to our work and goal positing is Genio, that is, creativity. Differentiation and change are basic forces of Nature, in a Human these can be mastered and transformed into an art. Then our inner Diverse splits these into art, as an end in itself, and then creativity for a social end, and finally the art of self creation and re-creation, working on your self.


The Diverse initially presents us to the world in pieces and parts. In the course of a life we attempt to assemble an identity. The process is complex and long but eventually we are able to integrate a personality. And this personality though intricate is unique in the whole Diverse. And it grows even more unique as it continues to evolve in the constant change of the Diverse.

The process of creating personality stresses the biases and primacies in all your personality elements, it does not stress balance or the whole. Differentiation is a key process in the Diverse, human differentiation is about personality. The Diverse works through biases, it stress the heterogeneous and not the homogeneous.


The Diverse IS individuality. Human beings are all different. Individuality is the basic fact of our existence, the only issue is whether our individuality is healthy or unhealthy, whether our individuality is suppressed or not. Also, healthy individuality respects and appreciates the individuality of others; it defends it own freedom and equality and at the same time the freedom and equality of others. Diverse thinking is an evolution upon the golden rule. And Diverse thinking sees no conflict between individuality and sociality, both go together and buttress each other.

The Whole

Diverse thinkers see a Diverse whole, not a whole that suppresses the parts, not a whole that controls from a domineering center. The Diverse whole is manifold with many points of view, it is more a collection than the old notion of a whole and must be managed in a different way. Unity is brought through common interests, compromises are made, all perspectives get expression. The Diverse whole is more a family than an organization, it has no hierarchy, it is fully democratic.


The Diverse applied to Nature produces the concept of "Co-Genio", the parallel creative evolutions of Humanity and Nature, the harmony of Human and animal. The Human "Home" is a Diverse home that includes the Human-made world of our culture, but also our natural environment, this too is our Home.

Cage Innoye

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