
BP Spill – the Failure of Obama

In this period of human history, we need strong laws and force to protect Nature and to establish a New Balance with Nature.

We have come to that point. For the survival of the planetary ecosystem and thus our own survival there must force applied against those who reek havoc and author vast suffering.

While perhaps Obama is trying to be fair and balanced in his treatment of BP and the whole energy industry, the gravity of the crisis is missing, the proportion is wrong. The worldview is too small.

The preeminent issue looms: Our balance with Nature, the fair treatment of Nature. And this trumps all other ‘balances’.

We have gotten ourselves to this dangerous place in human evolution. Our powers can destroy the entire ecosystem, if we choose, and so far who have chosen to do so.

Today, it is imperative to use Force to stop this behavior. And for the future, we must Enforce this use of force without any hesitation.

And this force itself is a Communication to all individuals and companies and institutions and politicians that people will not accept destructive, anti-environmental, unbalanced behavior anymore. And if so, there will be a disastrous penalty to All perpetrators and accomplices.

Here is Obama’s problem: He does not seem to have grasped the magnitude of the issue, he is caught in ‘politics’, when the real issue supersedes politics completely. The true problem lies outside of our human sphere; it lies outside of politics, economics, values, the internet, entertainment and so on. It’s name is “Nature”.

Another name it goes by is “Home”. Our very Home is in danger, while many of us are completely distracted playing video games in our lesser homes, the Greater Home is near death. We are the guest of this Greater Home, and we have run amuck and destroyed much of it.

The transcendent problem commands a supreme urgency because it is the most important issue of all, in fact, the most important value of all: Survival! Without survival there is no human culture, no human existence.

The external threat will overwhelm us all. Its forces will overwhelm the small realities of human pursuits, human dynamics, human protocols and human illusions.

If we look off to the horizon a storm is coming, a perfect storm that we have created by our perfect ignorance and perfect apathy and perfect neglect.

Americans know this now, they are grasping this. And this is why Obama’s approval is so low, for the majority of Americans know that we have entered a new stage. And they are waiting for someone to apply law, to be forceful, to champion Nature, and establish the new balance point with Nature.

And is this not what a President should do? If there is any job that a President should do then this is it. Many of our Human problems can and must be solved in civil society and within ourselves. But the general environmental issues are best handled at the top.

If not, the alternative will be individual and group acts. And localities and states will take strong action in lieu of Federal indolence. And these should actually happen anyway.

Obama is stuck in a box, the box of Politics with its interests, money, votes, niceties and agreements. If he doesn’t think out of this box, then we are that much closer to a gran mal catastrophe. This is his particular burden.

The general box for all humankind is our social, cultural, values box. This is the Human box. To save ourselves and our ecosystem, we must Think out of the Human Box.

Otherwise, we may face a future ecosystem that has no place for us at all. -- a Home hostile to us and not wanting us as a guest ever again.

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