
Faith, Patience and Power

On Faith

One may have disagreements with old philosophies, but there is certainly this point of agreement, Faith. However, we see it through our own prism of the Diverse.

A dogmatist looks at reality and says it cannot be changed, and it will not change. The dogmatist looks at itself and says it cannot change.

But the Diverse says that everything can change, everything will differentiate, evolve and self create. The Diverse will always act in a Diverse way. Have faith in yourself, you will always act in a Diverse way, have faith in Humankind it will always act in a Diverse way, have faith in Nature it will always act in a Diverse way.

The opposite of faith is knowledge, this is well known, but faith is actually knowledge too; it is the highest knowledge of all things inner and outer. This “faith-knowledge” comes from empirical experience in the world as does scientific knowledge.

We have seen the behavior of the Diverse, it has never acted differently, it always acts the same, it is always true to its nature, and it never lies or deviates. On this behavior of consistency, stability and honesty we forge stone principles about the Diverse. We apply these summations to the whole Diverse, though we have not seen it all; and we apply these summations to all future manifestations of the Diverse, though we cannot experience the endless future.

Our empirical knowledge passes to scientific belief, to scientific prediction, that is, to faith based on the accuracy of our senses, on the truth of facts, on the logic of science and the validity of general truths and laws. This faith is more than a gossamer faith, it is ocean going, it has valor in its eyes, it does not evaporate in inclement weather.

So when we are in conditions of suffering caused by a suspension of the Diverse in ourselves or in the world, we know that the Diverse will return and triumph. A monsoon may rain catechisms and dogmas but it will eventually end and the diversity of the world will be lit by the sun. The Diverse will triumph. We know it will because the Diverse is not only in the world and in ourselves, the Diverse IS the world and IS ourselves.

The Diverse will always provide the wakes of escape on its changing seas. From the seams of evolution will come miracles and solutions.

On Patience

Related to our faith is the issue of "patience". The world is Diverse and all things have Genio. But at times we get impatient with the world. We see too many differences between people, and we cannot stand the chaos and conflict anymore. We get impatient with people's self development and expect them to leap to our level in an instant, by simply grasping our lectures. We find social creative processes too slow, so we try to impose our own “creative” solutions.

Our impatience is not so much with people, but actually with the Diverse and Genio, with individuality and creativity. When we lose our grip on our own teachings, we develop an "ego", an ego that becomes a boss, a controller, a "doer".

This egotism of doing is the result of our wrong ideas. Impatience is an attitude that stems from non-diverse and non-creative thinking. Patience is the attitude that flows from a correct view of the world around you and even within you. In patience is the proper understanding of time in the Diverse.

Time is not instantaneous, time is evolutionary. When time is instantaneous there is, in fact, no time at all, it is compressed into non-existence. When time is a process, there is a development of stages, time is stretched out, and then we have existence. The impatient does not accept existence. Patience, Time and Existence are all related in the Diverse.

On Power

From patience and faith we come to understand what power is. What is power in the Diverse? It is differentiation, individualization, creativity, change and evolution. If you need power, then study the Diverse outside and inside yourself, in society and in the individual.

If however you do not want power, then do not study or imitate the Diverse. Then the power you may gain is partial, limited and fleeting; and it will not be real power; it will be power gained at the expense of others. Iso-think and iso-power are not real; they are achieved by delusion, by theft, by suppressing others. It is power made by taking the power of the Diverse away from others, and, even, taking it away from yourself.

A wise person teaches ideas and methods that evoke the power of the Diverse within you. A wise person teaches you how to communicate with the Diverse inside, to summon it. This we can call "in-communication". Also, a wise person teaches you how to raise this force in society and do social good.

Cage Innoye

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