

Can we form a united and diverse front (UDF) on the principles of diverse thinking?

Can a loose form of organization arise?

Can we unite simply on the ideas of diversity, difference, individuality, creativity, a Diverse, and diverse wholes?

Can we agree that differentiation is the true power of the cosmos, and this produces so much that we cherish -- variety, individuality, creativity, change...

Can we agree to apply this diverse thinking to topics such as economics, education, psychology, spirituality, philosophy, government, nature, international relations, media and much, much more in our world, and within our minds?

Can we agree to disagree, that their will be many, many points of view in this new family and new culture -- all of this because we actually believe in diversity and differentiation?

Can we be united by our diverse views of diversity?

And though there would be numerous points of view, in fact one for each member, can the major and general and broad themes unite us? Is this enough to create a new movement?

Certainly the very fact that we believe in difference and diversity would distinguish from all other philosophies.

Could such a distinct trend arise?

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