
Some top new names for BP:

  1. Broken Pipe

  2. Blob Prodigy

  3. Biological Peril

  4. Besmeared Pelican

  5. Black Pathogen

  6. Beach Perish

  7. Byproducts of Prosperity

  8. Bio-cide and Petrifaction

  9. the Bird Punisher

  10. Bane and Plague

  11. Blight and Poison

  12. Business Pitilessness

  13. Blind Profits

  14. Bad Plan

  15. Bogus Principles

  16. Bungling Petroleum

  17. BP: Off-shore Oil and On-shore Oil

Other new names to replace BP:

    1. Redundant Pelican

    2. Slippery Seal

    3. Dead Fish

And some new names under consideration for the Gulf of Mexico:

    1. Gulf of Petroleum

    2. National Oil Reserve

    3. The Other Black Sea

    4. The Ocean of Energy Independence

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