

A mendicant is literally a beggar, the term is usually applied to members of monastic orders who forgo affluence and live communally.

To create a new economic system we need people who are selfless and not greedy, people who have moral principles, who care, who work hard for the social whole. At the same time they must be able to handle money, resources, personnel and power without falling into the errors of this modern world. They would have to create rules and organization to check themselves, for none of us is perfect.

Can a new kind of Mendicant exist? Is there a middle way between renouncing the world and working in the world, between the ascetic path and being in the world of affluence and technology, between ideals and the practical, between personal salvation and social salvation, between the humble and the utopia?

Is a new Mendicant possible?

Cage Innoye

Axxiad News