
Have You had a Transcendent Emotion Lately?

When was the last time you felt a love for all Humanity?

When was the last time you felt compassion for all animals?

When was the last time you felt sympathy for a poor person?

When was the last time that you saw infinity?

When was the last time you saw a great vision of the future?

When was the last time that you felt the need for justice?

When was the last time you realized that some thing or entity was sacred?

When was the last time you felt compelled to protect someone weaker than you?

When was the last time you made up your mind to fight on some issue?

When was the last time you saw beauty in some small living thing: like a toad or a possum or even a fly?

When was the last time you were touched by the words and smile of a stranger?

When was the last time you stopped everything you were doing to help someone having trouble?

When was the last time you felt the joy of creativity?

When was the last time you grasped the great eternal truths of the cosmos?

When was the last time you realized who you really are?

When was the last time you saw yourself in someone else and felt a collective soul, that you were somehow one?

When was the last time that you truly understood the importance of social grounding as in family, education, community and more?

When was the last time that you appreciated diversity?

When was the last time that you felt these transcendent emotions? If you answer not often or never, then you are like most people. But this should not be normal, for these feelings should be experienced regularly; these are the higher Human emotions.

Cage Innoye

Axxiad News