
On Two Types of Suffering

Will all suffering be eliminated? We have power but can we eliminate all suffering? No, not all suffering, still we will suffer from illness, bad luck, our failures, death and more. By "suffering", we mean suffering caused by ideologies, cults, social delusions, iso-think, mis-creativity, etheria, momentia and so on. In this Axxiad the forms of suffering are discussed in great detail. We make the statement, "The age of suffering is over", to get your attention and make a point. Further, we explain that in the age of affluence in many nations the old sufferings of want are mostly gone.

But, of course, we would agree some suffering does remain. We call these the "involuntary sufferings". That is, those types of suffering that we cannot eliminate, those that are inevitably part of life, of existence, fortune and the learning process.

On the other hand the "voluntary sufferings" can be ended. These are sufferings that we choose to experience. It is our view that Human beings choose their values, philosophies and attitudes, and that Human evolution is ultimately under our guidance. We chose false ideas in the past; we can choose better ones in the future.

Cage Innoye

Published by Axxiad News