Articles p.8

Create the Diverse Whole

Avatar tells us of a broken whole. This whole is fractured or worse not even allowed to exist in any form. The list of broken wholes includes so much in our lives – mythology, spirit, economics, government, communication and so much more.

This broken whole must be resurrected as a new kind of whole, one that is diverse, one that has difference, individuality, creativity and change within it.

In Diverse philosophy we have a special whole, the Diverse Whole. This is of course intuitive for many of us. What we do not want to make is a whole that is rigid, fixed, authoritarian, one dimensional, non-Human.

When we look at our modern world, we can see many complex problems. These issues come in two broad sets.

The first cluster of issues deals with coordination, unity, commonality, organization, communication within a whole. These are fundamental themes in creating a new whole.

The second bundle of issues has to do with another set of problems that deal with lack of diversity, difference, individual freedom, creativity and change. These issues are related to the notion of “differentiation”, that is, the generation of difference and the maintenance of difference.

A healthy whole would combine both sets of issues, both methods and forces. The movie Avatar actually speaks to both types of needs.

These Diverse Wholes include a large list of themes:

The Human being as a whole

The Mind as a system of many sub-minds all needing to unite into a whole.

The emotions as vast whole with its own laws.

Identity as what is unique about you, but at the same time, identity is the sum total of the whole of you, making you even more unique.

Individual and Society as a whole brought together by ethics, the golden rule, and social activism

Love of the different as an emotion that unites a broken whole

Directness as a personal strategy to have many experiences with the many parts of whole and thus learn its nature.

The Community as a whole

Suffering and Joy as a whole

The Positive and Negative Minds forever alternating and making up a whole of perception

Knowledge Trading as a strategy to help developing nations based on the idea that all knowledge is a whole that belongs to the whole of Human race

The Kollect as a form of organization that includes the participation of all members in achieving a full range of goals

Moral evolution as a whole thread in time

Spirit as the state of mind and emotion that comes from being connected to a greater whole

The Subsume mind which thinks in terms of fusion and merging

Economics as a whole where all of society participates in its direction

Economic Metrics as a full range of performance metrics that include the whole of our values

Work as something that fulfills all of our needs and desires

Consumption being limited by other needs and priorities.

Democracy as the social whole running the social whole

International relations based on the principle of a Diverse Whole

The unity of Nature and Human into a long lasting whole

The relation of Human to the Cosmos leading to grand comprehension of origin, existence and evolution...the whole of history and our future.

School as an institution that creates a whole citizen for the new era.

The thesis of Historical Differentiation which tries to put together recent Human history from the tribe to the 21st century into a coherent whole

Ritual as an event that makes you whole

The Quietic as a practice that retrieves your whole

An Axxiad as an intellectual whole that unites many thought systems and doctrines into one overview

Matter as a whole -- when matter is whole then it is not matter anymore, it is magical and mystical, living and creative.

Myth as the whole story of a person or people or species

Family as whole, today’s family is the nuclear family, a small piece of a once bigger family, the extended family.

Diversity and Multicultural as means to unite all people though very different into a cooperating whole

A culture of multiple values as a means to unite all people and all of our personal needs.

A culture of multiple powers that ensures that we can have multiple values.

Creativity as the means to keep a whole together under the pressure of change and the new.

Differentiation and Undifferentiation as two methods to manage a whole

Time itself as a whole – the uniting of moments with continuities, the ending of Simultry, the uniting of past and future as one.

The notions of Spatial and Temporal Diversity, one focused on evolutionary leaps and the other focused on bringing all into the evolutionary leap

Entertainment as whole -- that is, entertainment as not only entertaining and providing relief but also teaching

Illusion and reality forming a whole, the tangible and intangible uniting in the Human mind so that all is plastic and creative.

Range thinking as thought methods for analyzing and managing a whole.

Civilization as a whole, a great Diverse Whole of many points of view

Warrior and Spirit as whole that unites social activism with transcendent goals

Vague whole word as a creative state of mind that produces wholes

Communication and media as whole, communication being the primary connection of a social whole. And electronic and tactile communication being a whole, where the direct human-to-human connection and the electronic connection work together and not against each other.

And much more...

These many ideas are designed to understand a Diverse Whole and to build a Diverse Whole. This is the fundamental theme of this work. The articles in this book explore these varied themes of a whole and hopefully will encourage the reader to think and act in new terms.

In addition these issues are also addressed in other free ebooks by the author:

The Axxiad, Manifesto for a Vexed Planet, and Dictionary of Creativity.

Cage Innoye

Published by Axxiad News