
A Bill of Creative Rights

We live in a world that denies creativity. Education systems snuff it out with their logical-scientific curriculums of memorization and mechanical operations. Political parties and politicians oppose creativity because it leads to differences and loss of ideological control. In corporations, creativity is dangerous for it upsets the command structure. Consumerism, marketing and entertainment provide us creativity that is trivial, imitative, destructive, mediocre, superficial, manipulative, stolen, shallow, exploitive, euphoric, distracting, addictive or entrancing. This is the “mis-creative”. Further, we are encouraged to just be users of other people’s creativity and not encouraged to develop our own creativity and identity.

There is a crisis of creativity in the world today. When we need more creativity than ever to solve our social, personal and global problems, we have very little. Institutions and thought systems and a predilection toward left brain and “thread-mind” behavior have led to a vacuum of imagination, flexibility and innovation.

This very activity has led to many problems, and at the same time this mentality consciously holds back the development of creativity, both personal and organized social creativity. The very essence of creativity is freedom, creativity is the highest expression of individuality, yet, systems and leaders do not want this. Why? Your bondage is their gain.

Creativity provides an individual great joy and purpose. Creativity applied to personal growth leads to re-creation of the self emotionally, spiritually and morally. Social creativity can end misery, alienation, war, and environmental degradation. All of us are creative, all have right brains, all have the potential to be creative. Mother Nature gave us creativity so that we could survive as a species, without it we would have never progressed as a race. Today we need this creativity more than ever for we are falling behind our problems. History propels forward and thus difficulties mount and the world continues to get more complex.

It is time to spread creativity far and wide. Worshiping a handful of creative people, who happened to achieve their skills haphazardly despite the reigning culture, will not do. Humanity needs a mass and universal program to make imagination and innovation ubiquitous, to make everyone artists, inventors and discoverers.

At one time, people thought that farmers or workers could not learn language or mathematics, and today we have advanced economies based on mass college education. We are now at the next historical stage, the higher stage of creativity.

It is coming time to develop a Bill of Rights for the creative personality, consider this list of inalienable Creative Rights for all Human beings:

1) The Right to use the creative mind

2) The Right to use all techniques, skills, behaviors and attitudes to be creative

3) The Right to live the lifestyle of a creative person, to have a creative personality

4) The Right to use all realms of the psyche in the pursuit of creativity

5) The Right to break all the rules

6) The Right to form and live within a culture of creativity

7) The Right to build and manage institutions that support and promote creativity

8) The Right to receive an education in creativity

9) The Right to pass on one’s creativity

10) The Right to ownership of one’s creations

11) The Right to exist in an “open market” of creativity

12) The Right to oppose “mis-creativity”

13) The Right to freely associate with others in projects of social creativity

14) The Right to support for one’s creativity through mentorship, counseling and other means

15) The Right to re-create one’s self

16) The Right to re-create the world

17) The Right to create the future

18) The Right to dream

19) The Right to pursue one’s creativity and find the “genius” within

20) The Right to oppose all systems of “Rights” if we wish -- because creativity is given to us by Creation itself, and thus it cannot be given or taken away. Creativity is the very force of existence; it precedes all.

Cage Innoye

Published by Axxiad News