
America, the World and Diverse Philosophy

Diverse philosophy arises in America. It seems to clearly be a logical evolution on certain basic themes of American thought and behavior: Diversity, Individuality and Creativity.

For these are in a way the “holy trinity” of Diverse thinking. What this worldview does that is unique is this: Diverse philosophy asks the question, “What is common to these three themes” -- because it is trying to get to a higher level of understanding, and to find a simpler concept to unify these seemingly different ideas.

What unites diversity, individuality and creativity is the concept of difference. Each arises out of difference or more precisely the process of creating difference, and this is called “differentiation”.

Differentiation is the core idea behind these three American behaviors. Differentiation produces difference, change, evolution, individuality, individuation, creativity, disorder, independence, multiple perception, multi-culturalism, complexity and much more.

Differentiation also yields the golden rule, new views on identity and psychology, new economics, new ideas on democracy etc.

Difference and differentiation are the core ideas of US culture, of the American personality. Diverse philosophy merely takes these values, simplifies and raises the discussion to a philosophic level. And it elaborates on other forms of differentiation which also are common in America, common traits that repeat the fundamental theme, for example our attraction to the “practical” and the “new”.

The significance of Diverse philosophy is that its work is at systematizing and sharpening our understanding of ourselves. Diverse thinking is the next logical step in American knowledge and method. This should be self evident.

The Irony of Shell Culture

But the irony of this is that the drive to find the core notion of American culture is resisted by American culture! While on the one hand this culture stands for diversity, individuality and creativity, on the other hand it does not. How is that?

These symbols and signs are superficial; they are wall paper pasted over huge holes in the wall of the American house. US citizens live in a “Shell culture” – we have the shell which offers pronouncements of ideals and some facial painting to prove this. However, beneath the brittle shell is the painful truth, the disappointment that we hide.

Diversity is only partly practiced in America. Millions of non-Western, non-Christian citizens are discriminated against, immigrants and not. Many live in abject poverty; though they have political rights to vote, they do not have political power or economic power. Even minorities in the middle class find bigotry and hostility and estrangement.

Perhaps 33% to 35% of America is included in this grouping. This is a huge sector constituting a large untapped third force in American politics. This situation cannot continue much longer simply because of the sheer size of the unhappy which can completely rearrange the two party system.

So the drive to create a Diverse philosophy is not supported by our practice. True diversity would challenge an existing arrangement of power.

The same is true for individuality, no matter what ethnic or religious group you come from.

Individuality is a supreme tradition of America. But its reality is only partly true. Healthy individuality is rare. What we generally have is selfishness, self absorption, greed, emotional dysfunction posing as individuality. We have people who have no identities because no one supports a search for one’s true persona. Consumerism and marketing undermine individuality. Further, the basic conditions of American life are alienation and disconnection, and this is not individuality, this is simply a state of atomism. Alienation merely sets people up to either go down the path of extreme individuality or group think.

So the notion of individuality is not a widespread practice or condition. Once again our shell culture brays this cultural tradition but underneath the shell is something very different, the silent tragedy.

Connecting individuality to difference and differentiation would only highlight the problem even more. Powers that be do not want the application of this new idea spread to new territory – this will yield even more disappointment and criticism of the existing culture.

Thirdly, creativity is another shell pronouncement because creativity is actually shunned for the most part. Why? It breeds rebellion and independent thinking, and this education, corporations and political parties do not want. Once again we have the advertising of a behavior, a sacred American trait, but then we don’t really practice it. We do not teach it in schools. Creative personalities are fired by corporations. Politicians do not want creative ideas; this upsets the control of their parties.

So we have self congratulations about our creativity but in fact it is suppressed. The creativity we get is endorsed by corporations or stolen by corporations. There is haphazard creativity in the nation but this argues for the great drive of it in all of us that is not entirely snuffed out.

Imagine the creativity we would have if it was taught in school and encouraged on the job and in all behavior, then we could solve our massive problems.

Talking about creativity in terms of difference, differentiation or Diverse philosophy would only rub salt in the wound, and elites would not want that at all.

America does not support the values of diversity, individuality or creativity. So it would not support Diverse thinking either, for this method identifies the core idea of differentiation and applies it to all things. This idea is more thoroughgoing, and more radical. Further, the idea centralizes many problems into one simple issue and thus frames all social problems more simply. It gives us a better handle on our national and personal problems, and it clarifies where the blame should go and what should be done.

And this would be just too much for certain interest groups.

So while Americans may suggest Diverse philosophy, institutions will not endorse it because its ideas are too dangerous and disruptive, because if you have noticed according to them things are going quite well these days. If take a quick survey, you will see that we are certainly in a “golden age” of diversity, individuality and creativity. Don’t you think?

In the end, Diverse philosophy is merely an American conclusion that points to the next stage for America, to the fulfillment of the American Dream and the formation of the ideal American. Some will want to retard its inevitability but diversity, individuality and creativity will triumph in the land that initiated the spirit of these great ideas. Those who are disappointed will not give up and will strive for the fulfillment of the historical promise. The cynical, the apathetic and the hurt have no choice but to pursue higher ideals for it is all they really have and they must keep going for hope is life.

Another Irony, a Global Philosophy

More, there is another irony about Diverse philosophy; it was not created for any particular people or nation or race or ethnic group or religion; it was created for everybody, for all Human beings.

Diverse philosophy is universal for all nations and peoples; it was designed as a tool for a species, an intelligent species.

It began in the USA for the reasons outlined above, but it has no flag, it has no fatherland or motherland. It is not patriotic.

This is a true philosophy not a national ideology; it rises above these petty divisions and narrow categories.

It is a pure thought, pure ideas free of provincial prejudice and the idiocy of superiority and inferiority. This philosophy is for any mind to study and grasp. It lives in a world of generality and abstraction and thus is accessible to all Human beings.

Diverse philosophy begins here but will leap boundaries and spin around the globe --because the ideas are useful to all people no matter where they are.

In the end, there will be no difference in ideas, there will only be differences in the conditions in which they are applied.

Cage Innoye

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