


What happens to the soul? While your body and your immediate consciousness wither and die, your deeds continue on. We are all making each other, helping each other, in the worst case, we are hurting each other. Yes, your perceiving, willful, acting soul is gone. Yes, you have gone to eternal sleep, but your power has not. Nor is your consciousness gone, it continues in another form. In this sense you are immortal. Immortal, because we are sharing existence, sharing consciousness, we are sharing one Human soul. Each of us is an individual bit of it, unique and creative, making contributions in the small time we are given to effect ALL time.

The issue is really not immortality or not, it is what kind of immortality, good or bad, harmful or constructive. There is no death, we wage an insurrection against death. Death does not exist.

When you go, people will be affected by your behavior, you are their "Ground", so you cannot help but affect them. People will appreciate or depreciate you, praise you or curse you; they will speak to you as a disembodied "spirit", dialogue with you to serve their needs, though your physical self is long gone. And you will have no say in this, you see, the adventures of your soul and persona are far beyond what you have ever imagined, with your individuality impacting their individuality, in one shared soul for the Human race.


From this personal point of view it does not matter what sort of funeral you have—buried six feet under, burned on a boat, cryogenically frozen, cremated or even creamed and served to mourners. Your physical life has ended, but you are not going to eternity. You have been going to eternity from the moment you were born! Every action of yours spreads into eternity throughout your life. When you die, the source of your waves which pulse out into eternity halts, but the already generated movements affect all time. We do not go to eternity when we die; we are already living in eternity.

Thus, we are each responsible for eternity, for each of us contributes to it through our attitudes and deeds. The dead are not responsible for eternity, only the living are.

The ancients used to say that we all share one great soul. I think this is generally correct -- through the notion of family or tribal collective souls.

For a thoughtful person, eternity is achieved when souls connect, when an individual soul passes something on to another soul. And then that soul passes on your thing and its own thing too, and so on forever. Eternity is connection.

Your soul is individual, but at the same time, your soul is a grail, a collection. All the souls who have touched you are within you. You are a well of souls.

One soul adds to another soul, through connections we're more whole. Then this soul adds to still another soul, and on and on it goes. So eventually, we reach our goal. We become each a well of souls. And the well of souls evolves, it creates you and you create it, the well of souls becomes greater and greater, it stretches further and further into eternity.

This is the “Re-Kath” version of the soul. The world Re-Kath comes from “return” to “Catholicus”. Catholicus is the root term for Catholic but its original meaning is from the Greek “kata” (according to) and “holos” (whole). Re-Kath literally means returning to the perspective of the whole. The Re-Kath sees the soul as part of a whole, the whole of Humanity -- that the individual comes from the whole which is composed of billions of souls, and returns itself to this whole. In the Re-kath outlook the soul is from the past and extends into the future.

There are many views of the soul in Human history, that of resurrection, reincarnation, nirvana, Shintoism and ancestor worship. The Re-Kath has some kinship with all former views and at the same time has a new view.


Salvation is in your name. Your name is your contribution to the well of souls. Your actions, your words, these are your connection with Humankind. Whether you do good, instead of evil, achieve the higher instead of the lower is up to you. Your name is your contribution to each soul, your name is eternal, that is given, but what you shall do with it is not.

Perdition is being summoned by Hell’s dull bells because your eternal actions were destructive; paradise is being summoned by the chimes of Heaven because your eternal actions were constructive. It’s all in the name you make.


The Diverse is eternal, from it we came, to it we return. We are a Diverse springing from a Diverse affecting the Diverse in diverse ways. The end result of each person’s diversity is more diversity.

Diversity itself provides the path of our immortality. We are born of predecessors, at the same time, we are not born of others and are unique. We give to others. These individuals take our diverse gift and assimilate it into their souls, then pass it on in everything they do. This is the process and the route of our immortality, through touching and communication. Interactions and connections are the sparks of eternity, the fire of this never-ending force.

All of these things are simply relationships within the infinite Diverse. The Diverse expands, it splits apart, it evolves new elements. Messages and contacts keep it in touch with itself as it grows and evolves into the future. We are these connections, our actions make these connections, our souls are the vehicle of these connections. Individuality and immortality keep the Diverse together.

There was never ever any danger that Human beings would lose their souls and their immortality. You cannot lose your soul or immortality. The Diverse will not let you, for you are the link that holds the entire Diverse together, without you there is no Diverse -- it breaks apart, it dissipates, it dies, it goes silent and immobile.

Know this and you will understand that it has never been a matter of immortality or not, but of how your immortality is manifested -- the form of it, the quality of it, the integrity of it, the fruitfulness of it, the praise to it.

Social Ground is a path to immortality. Struggling for the evolutionary good is a path to immortality. Initiating the original intervention in a young soul is a path to immortality. Becoming a gracious imperfect is a path to immortality. Building a new home is a path to immortality. Bringing Genio to yourself and the world is a path to immortality. Practicing and teaching Lakape is a path to immortality. Pursuing the transcendent emotions is a path to immortality. Finding the continuity mind is the path to immortality. Building your inner entemple is a path to immortality. Outlawing the new forbiddens is a path to immortality.


Time is presential, all happens in a great eternal moment, where past and future intermingle producing the “now”, the great now that produces all, is all and never dies. There is only a present, there is no past or future, these are abstractions made up by Human minds. Past and future communicate, argue, negotiate and unite to produce the present.

In this “presential now” are billions and billions of souls. Dead souls pushing forward their waves of immortal action, they come from the past. At the same time, living souls radiate out their actions in attempts to anticipate and steer the future. Dead souls and living souls, both eternal, collide and bond. The past and the future intermingle, ancestors and descendants talk.

The presential moment is alive with billions and billions of people. Can you hear them? Can you hear the din of eternity? The whole Diverse is a great voceum of souls. And you are one of them….chattering in the great dialogue.


Our Ex-natures drive us to immortality. In Nature is the limitation of mortality. The Ex-Nature part of a Human being breaks out of this limitation. Whether it comes in the form of religion or science, this is a force that we cannot suppress.

Philosophies and religions will arise to explain immortality and shape immortality. Medicine and science will extend your lifespan. Healthcare is already the dominant sector of the economy; it will soon become the majority of economic activity. Long life will become a primary concern for all of us. All the other cultural pursuits will become secondary to life itself. Just as all personal concerns are secondary to the will to survive. In animals the will to survive is to simply survive, in Humans this drive breaks through to the immortal. There is nothing we can do about this, this is our nature, or rather this our ex-nature.


Older souls have impacted us, we should have respect for them, they are within you. But the issue comes up about the character of these old souls. Those before have made mistakes, knowingly or not, and suffered. We must forgive them and have compassion for them, just as we have forgiveness and compassion for those souls that are living right now. When thinking of souls, it is important to remember that no one is perfect; and that all of us our struggling in our phase of evolution and history. We are all imperfect, we all fail and transgress.

That being said, a problem clearly arises. Old souls pass on to us their errors and behaviors, they impact upon us. We inherit issues and attitudes whether we like it or not. Naturally, we do not want to continue these behaviors in our lives and, certainly, do not want to pass them on to others. So what do we do?

We must break the line of inheritance, the path of transmission. Evolution is directional, we want to get to higher and better stages of existence, we want more wisdom and self control. So we must be selective about what we continue and discontinue in our inheritance. We do not resent our ancestors and predecessors; we accept it as task that every generation must perform. No one escapes these personal struggles.

We have choice about eternity; we have choice about our immortality.

Cage Innoye

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