Zoom and Crop Shoe

The assignment was to take a viewfinder and focus in on a part of one of our shoes from the modified contour drawings. We had to put the viewfinder on a part of it, draw it in a section of our paper and then focus in on a part of the drawing we just finished. Then, we had to focus in on certain part of our previous drawing. The subject of my drawing is the top part of my shoe, which was then turned into three of the seasons. I first used graphite pencils to do the sketch and then used watercolors to make the seasons.

I used line to create the sketch of my drawing and color with the watercolors. I wanted it to be colorful, so I decided to do the seasons. I tried to make some sort of animal out of it at first, but that didn't work out, so I changed to the seasons.

I thought it would be fun to experiment with the watercolors and blend them to make a scene. I guess this project relates to my life because seasons change and so do people. (that sounded cheesy, but it's true). The thing I'm most proud of is the blending of the colors. I've never been good with paints, so using these was fun. I struggled with was making the lines not wobbly and crooked, but I took my time and made sure they were the best they could be. Something that bothers me is the black paint mixing with the orange and red in the second rectangle. I think I could have waited for the black to dry before I kept painting or I could have done the red and orange first, and then painted the black tree over it.