Duck Stamp

The assignment was to create an image for the Duck Stamp competition. We had to choose a duck species and do a little research on it and then select at least two reference images and copy and paste the links in a document so we would have them. The subject of my drawing is three wood ducks on a log, one male, one female, and one baby. I used graphite to sketch it out and then I decided to use colored pencil to spice it up a bit because even though I would have preferred to do it in black and white, everyone likes color. I also used white paint on the male because I messed him up.

I used color to add more depth to the picture and make them (the ducks) seem more realistic. I used balance in the different browns and greens I used so it wouldn't be too monotonous. I used movement and line in the log to make it look [sort of] like wood. I was going to do cattails in the background but then I decided that it would take away from the subject so I tried to make the background out of focus, which I obviously failed at doing.

I really like wood ducks and birds in general, but wood ducks are very unique and colorful, so I decided to do them for my duck stamp. I'm proudest of how the male wood duck's head came out; I was worried that it would be too unrealistic but it looks decent. I personally think the whole thing looks atrocious and unskilled :') so I would probably just do the whole thing over if I had the chance. Specifically, I want to change the background and the log, and also fix the male's breast because it looks like he got splattered with paint (which he did because I messed up haha).