Linoleum Prints

The assignment was to make 4 perfect prints (1 regular print, 1 on a non-traditional surface, 1 modified print, and 1 multi-color) from a linoleum block. The subject of my creation is a chicken First, we had to pick a picture that we had taken and then convert it to black and white. Then we had to posterize it in Acorn and print it up. After that, we had to transfer the image onto the linoleum block, which was the same size as the actual picture. Then we had to cut it out the white spaces and color the parts that were not cut with black sharpie.

I used line to show the outline of the chicken and contrast in the black and white and in the print with multi-color print. I was going to do a sheep but then I realized that I had done some of my other projects with pictures of my chickens, so I decided it would be cool to do another one with a chicken.

I really like chickens and chicken art, and as said above, I wanted to do another project with chickens. I'm proudest of how the non-traditional surface print came out because it looks different than others and it printed on the plastic surface better than I thought it would. If I could change something, I would try to add more detail on the linoleum block because some parts are just black.