Time Capsule

For this project, we had to draw 4 drawings: a cropped self portrait, a hallway drawing, a still life of an object we depend on, and our hand in an interesting position. I used graphite pencil in all of them, expect for a little gold pen in the still life. In all of them, I sketched out the design I wanted and then went over it in more detail and darker lines. I used contrast by making some parts of my hair (self portrait) lighter and others darker; I used line make the lines of the hall straight.

I was going to do my lips/chin for my cropped portrait, but then I decided to my eyes because I really enjoy drawing eyes and I needed to work on drawing hair, because I'm not good at that. I also was going to do my water bottle for my object I depend on, but it turns out I didn't have my water bottle with me, so I did the pencils instead.

If I could change something about these drawings, I would:

  • Still life: take a little more time on the shading and on the detail
  • Cropped self portrait: spend more time on making the hair look like hair and not just lines
  • Hallway:
  • Hand: erase the extra lines and make it look a little more uniform