Color Study

The assignment was to pick a colored photo from a magazine, cut it out, and grid it. Then, you had to grid a piece of paper to match the gridded photograph. You then had to blend pastels to make one solid color, forming a pixelated piece of art. The subject of the drawing is the buildings and bridge in a European country. As stated above, I used graphite pencils for gridding and oil pastels for the actual coloring and creation of the project.

I used color to blend multiple colors into one. If there were contrasting colors in a square, I would split the square in half so there would be two areas of color. I started out with just sort of dragging the colors into different squares and not really keeping them in the square they were supposed to be. But toward the end, I realized I was doing something wrong and I tried to make the colors stay in their own boxes.

I picked the picture of the buildings because they were really colorful and I thought it would be fun. I realized in the end after we did the peer review that I'd sort of done the whole project wrong and not blended the colors well enough. But if I had to choose something to be proud of something, it would probably be that it still looks likes buildings and a bridge and not just blobs. I really struggled with the blending; it's not really a type of artwork I'm used to. To make it better, I would practice using pastels and definitely blend colors better.